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Gunther. Gunter was dead. Killed by someone wearing the same uniform as them, with their hood. We're flying out of this. Gunther, I'm so sorry. She thought. She was feeling guilty, even so they have changed course the person had caught up behind them. It had ODM gear on, the blades were drawn out.

"Eren, don't transform just yet." She ordered, she saw how Eren's eyes were panicking and trembling. "That's an order, Cadet." She said coldly and pulled out her blades at once, she looked back where the impostor was flying, catching up to them. She bit her lip, hard. So hard that blood had rushed out from her lower lip down to her chin.

There was no time to go back to HQ, the horses. There was no time.

"Is that the Female Titan?! Or were there others!?"

"Damn. How dare you... Bring it on! I'll kill you at any cost!" Petra said out of anger. Alyssa looked at her, her eyes were no longer cold, and she made them soft in order for her to calm down.

"We need to make this bastard away from her first." She ordered. She looked back at Eren and they all sped up, "Eren, don't fucking fall behind!" she shouted. She knew he was falling behind as she was the one ahead.

I fucking knew it, I fucking knew it. There was something wrong. What happened back there? If this was really the Female Titan, how the fuck did she get out from the grasp of Survey Corps veterans surrounding her?

In an instant she was gone. Or so they thought.

"It's the female Titan!" She said, her voice was now raspy for no reason at all but she managed to shout. It was running again, it was too fast. Levi... where are you... then she shook her head, thinking that she was the one in charge and Levi had trusted her enough to let his members assign under her.

"Eren don't transform!" She ordered at once when Eren said that he will be the one to kill it. No matter how strong he was, it was dangerous, they were at Titan territory after all. "The four of us will kill the Female Titan!" she said, there was no guarantee if they can, after all this Titan had wiped out many Veterans.

"You continue to go at HQ with full speed!" She said, "Don't fucking disobey me Eren unless it is unnecessary," she said, "Now, go. Leave this to us," she said and with one last look at Eren, she even managed to be cocky and wink at him saying. "Trust us, Eren."

Inside her, she was nervous. Nervous to the point that she knew she was going to die. She could feel it, the stench of death nearing her and her comrades. In the end, she will protect Eren Jaeger even she was against it. She needed to make herself confident, there was a low percent of being successful but it was worth the try.

If she were to die, she will gladly accept it.

"Eren... no..."

Fuck, I could barely feel my body. Damn you Eren, why in the hell did you squeeze me so hard?!

Levi did not expect this. Seeing his comrades' dead bodies before his eyes. His head lifted up and he became alarmed. His eyes were full of mourning. Where is she? Is she also dead? Klidepreinz?

"No mourners, no funerals."

"What are you muttering now brat?"

"What I'm saying Captain is, we must survive this shitty life in order to have no mourners and funerals."

He roamed his eyes. He could hear loud thuds deeper into the forest. He was thinking if Eren had now transformed considering he heard his loud screams. His eyes were hooded. Gunther, Eld, Olou, and Petra. 'There's one more missing.' He thought. A spark of hope ignited inside of him.

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