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"Eren you finish up here." Levi commanded. He went upstairs where Eren have cleaned, and he went up there to check if truly Eren had made it clean. Who was left there was now Petra and Eren. Eren was still a little awkward with the other members but he had noticed that he wasn't awkward at all when he is around Vice Captain Alyssa.

She seemed nice and dependable.

"I see you're disappointed, Eren." Petra said noticing his expression that was very visible at his face. Eren reacted immediately as he was frightened that his superior have spoken out of nowhere.

"Pardon me?" He said jumping back and looking at her.

"Oh, I'll be calling you 'Eren'." Petra said, "Just like Captain Levi. His word is law here." She added. Eren had now stood properly now that he have processed his frightened state a while back.

"Sure, I don't mind that, but did I really looked like disappointed?" Eren asked, frowning as his head had dropped a little. Petra showed a friendly smile.

"It's nothing unusual." Petra said then continued, "He doesn't seem like the completely flawless hero people make him out to be, right?" She inquired as she held the broomstick in her arms, almost hugging it close to her.

"Lance Corporal Levi actually is...." She paused, trailing off as Petra looked at where the Captain have went. "Surprisingly short, high-strung, violent, and hard to approach."

'Hard to approach?' Eren had thought. He remembered how Captain Levi have pulled Vice Captain Alyssa towards his lap, and how Vice Captain Alyssa was comfortable with him a while back but he wasn't sure if it was the same case as Captain Levi as his face was emotionless, voidable of any emotion nor expression.

"No, the thing I was surprised by how obedient he is to the decisions of the higher ups." Eren was after all staying at the basement for precaution and the higher-ups had that one condition and Levi have to comply.

Petra realized, "Did you believe someone of his strength would have no concern for rank and obedience?" she asked smiling.

"Yes." Eren did not hesitate as it was true. He had thought that he would not care his superior's orders. Eren have become reluctant to continue but said it otherwise, "I thought that he might be somewhat insubordinate."

"I can't say for sure but he might have been like that before."

"Oi, brat." Levi had called for his second in command. "I said spotless, don't you understand what that means? I wouldn't be surprised if you don't know how to clean, you're a noble after all."

Alyssa rolled her eyes and put her hands at both side of her hips and said, "I still haven't cleaned that part, so really, that part is dirty. I will clean that part later on." She said and continued, "And it doesn't mean that I am noble, doesn't mean I don't know how to clean. The servants inside my home doesn't attend to me, they rarely do, I clean my space in the house."

"Whatever, just get this clean or I will make you also pick out the weeds outside and clean the stables."

"Whatever, Captain." Alyssa rolled her eyes.

A scout member had come to her as she was cleaning outside, it was a messenger. She nodded at once as she listened to the fellow scout, she kept nodding, understanding the message.

"Okay then, I will Captain Levi later. Be safe on your way back!"

"Yes, maam!" he have saluted at her and the horse have started galloping at his command.

'What is Commander Erwin thinking?' she have thought. 'Letting the new graduates participate? Are they even now willing joining Survey Corps?'

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