53| s a n e

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This chapter is for 28k reads!! Hope y'all enjoy and sorry again.


Levi tried to slam his head multiple times at the nearby chimney. He could feel his head stinging due to how hard he's hitting his head at the hard cemented chimney. He kept thinking about her, the kids, and the others. He was sure he heard some screams, an additional sound to his nightmares if he would ever sleep again after this. His comrades looked at him, not sure what was happening with him.

But they have remembered that his partner had remained inside the walls to execute the Armored Titan. The explosion a while back did not sound good at all, from their positions they could see the steam emitting from the Colossal Titan reached the atmosphere.

His eyes remained close. He tried to gather himself together. Alyssa was the only thing that came into his mind, as if the Titans ahead of them, around them were nothing but air. As if they didn't exist—Alyssa's one of the main reasons why he still wants to live in this world. Why I still want to remain here when clearly—I should've ended my life a long time ago.

My friends....? Dead

My mom and my fatherly figure who turned out to be my uncle? Dead.

My woman...? Possibly dead. He winced as he thought about that. He shook his head, shaking the unwanted thought inside his head.

The kids? Also possibly dead.

He took multiple deep breaths. Keeping his breathing steady, trying to focus on the Beast Titan, he used his woman as motivation to slaughter the Beast Titan, as soon as he finished slaughtering the Beast Titan in any possible way that he could imagine, he would immediately find his woman.

She's his anchor.

I need to see her. I need to. I want to. I need her.

"Captain..." One of them called and he slowly raised his head towards the person who called him as he slowly stood from his kneeling position, his forehead a little red due to how many times he smashed his head towards the chimney. "I'm sure..." The person hesitated, Levi raised an impatient brow, "I'm sure that Vice-Captain Klidepreinz is fine." He says, gulping.

He was scared of Levi's eyes. It was too intense. It grew more intense as he mentioned her surname. Now he was beginning to regret that he said something regarding his woman. Levi looked away from the Scout who told him that he picked up his blades, spinning it in his hand.

He stared at the Beast Titan, with the eyes of a killer. He never felt this bloodlust again ever since he was a Thug in the Underground. He blames the Beast Titan, he blames God. He blames the First King. He wanted to blame everything—including himself.

"She better be. Or I'll drag her from hell myself."


"We're done cleaning up here," one of the Squad leaders said to Levi as he landed onto the next roof. "The only small ones left are the ones way at the front. Still, how do we take down the Beast Titan? He's perfectly content sitting way over there, not moving an inch."

Levi looked again at the Beast Titan who did not move since he threw the barrel containing Bertholdt Hoover—the Colossal Titan inside the wall. He was getting irritated at how calm the Beast Titan was, while he wasn't sure if any of them were alive inside the Walls. He should've been there even though Erwin wanted him to be here. He should've defied his order even though this was the battlefield.

He meant what he said; he'll drag her from hell if that's what is needed.

"Yeah, seems like he's a coward." Levi replied in a bitter, dark voice. "Not like he's ever had balls to begin with," he added. The man turned to him telling him to rest, knowing that he will be the one slaughtering the Beast Titan, they'll be the ones cleaning up the remaining small Titans at the front.

𝗌𝗎𝗋𝗏𝗂𝗏𝗈𝗋 | 𝗅𝖾𝗏𝗂Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz