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An eye for an eye.

"Was that Commander Erwin's goal all along?" Eren questioned. Alyssa was now thinking on how to shut his mouth, will it be cutting his tongue? Or stitch his lips shut with wires? Or should I push him off the tree trunk he's on right now?

She was getting ticked slowly. "That's what it was, right? But new recruits like me aside, why did they not tell the Survey Corps veterans like all of you?" Eren asked, and now that's what ticked her off completely.

"Heh," She scoffed. She scratched the back of her head, she has that habit whenever she's annoyed, pissed and angry. "Shut it Jaeger, Captain Levi sure had a hunch about it but he didn't even tell me, so don't question us all on why we are clueless. Who knew that suddenly there will be a Female titan appearing out of nowhere and its target- (looks at Eren) is you?"

Before Eren could answer her, Petra have intruded in their conversation.

"Are you implying that Commander and Lance Corporal Levi doesn't trust us?" Petra even slashed her right blade in anger, and Eren stuttered saying that,

"N-no! But that's what it seems like!"

I hate that this kid is right. Alyssa thought. She stared back deep into the forest where multiple explosions were heard. She heard more arguments, but it was all muffled to her ears, her only concern was Levi. As of now that is.

Levi... what exactly are you planning with Erwin?

"A spy, huh?" Alyssa scoffed. Everyone looked at her, "If your guess is correct then that means the human inside of that Titan right now is not a Survey Corps member. Because if it was, we could have seen an electric current coming from the skies or something similar to that when Eren accidentally transformed before."

"I dare say.....that the only people who knew about this were the people who were survivors 5 years ago."

"Then they forgot about me. I was there. I was with Captain Levi at the time." Alyssa scowled but then her face showed realization when she had realized that... "I know why they hid it from me." She murmured and all of them listened closely. She closed her eyes in annoyance.

"They knew I was going to be against this." Motherfucking Levi and Erwin.

Crystallization? Levi thought in annoyance. He glared at the covered hands of the Female titan that was positioned on its nape. His blades had been broken, so was Mike's. They need to do this fast before this titan will be out of their grasps. Levi closed his eyes in annoyance as he went to a trunk nearby.

How are they? Are they okay? Is she fine? Is the brat fine?

"Prepare the explosives."

Levi was now on top of the Female titan. He stomped on her head hard, both of his blades were drawn on side of him.

"Hey, come out already." He said stomping on its big ass head, he felt like he was stepping on a human statue.

"We don't have all day, you know."

"Say, what do you think will become of you?"

"Do you think you'll be able to escape this predicament?"

"I wish you'd consider the trouble you have been causing us."

"If I'm not mistaken, you have killed my subordinates in various ways, but did you take joy in any of it?"

"I am actually enjoying this moment." He said coldly, from the tone of his voice you wouldn't dare say he was enjoying this. But in his perspective he was, he would be enjoyed once he finds out who was the human behind this Female Titan. "Hey, you feel the same, right?"

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