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"Well, Mikasa." Alyssa started, she was feeling light due to blood loss. "Kindly tell us what happened? I am sure you saw somehow everything." Alyssa inquired. Mikasa's eyes were glaring at the Female Titan, deadly eyes. "All we know is that, that fucking titan has a human inside of it, and it's a woman of course, hence 'The Female Titan'." She continued.

She scratched her nose as it seems to be itchy.

"Capturing Eren seems to be its goal." Mikasa said. "Otherwise they could've crushed him, but the target deliberately stuffed it into its mouth before fighting to retreat."

"Its goal must have been to eat Eren." Levi answered. And Alyssa glared at him and smacked the back of his head playfully, Levi glared at her with his sorrowful eyes and said, "Oi, what do you think you're doing Klidepreinz?" he scolded her and caressed the back of his head on where she hit him.

"Clanking your brain to function properly, Sir." She said sarcastically and it was foreign to her that she have called her, 'sir'. She turned at the front again, and Mikasa was once again amused at their relationship as Captain and Vice-Captain. "Then, if that is the case..." Alyssa trailed off thinking, 'it's in her mouth perhaps?' possible. "I think Eren is inside her mouth, she wouldn't just eat him after she killed our comrades."

"Right." Levi agreed. His heart tightened when Alyssa mentioned the death of their comrades. He remembered his squad and the only one left was her.

He was thankful enough that someone had remained to be on his side, but he couldn't feel but be guilty for leaving them all alone. He also felt guilty now for not telling Alyssa Erwin's intentions in the first place.

"If you'd protected Eren, this wouldn't even happen to begin with!" Mikasa said angrily at the both of them.

Never in Alyssa's life she felt pure rage on a recruit, she never expected how selfish Mikasa Ackerman was, it didn't matter to Alyssa what's her relationship to Eren, but what she have said right now was selfish.

Levi had a spark of realization on who she was. He was not paying attention to the recruits, let alone the whole Scout Regiment.

He only focused his attention on his members. Alyssa gritted her teeth and calmed herself down, 'how dare she, our squad members did not just sacrifice themselves to protect Eren just for her to say this.' She thought fierce fully inside her head, she was enraged of her.

Levi changed his course and went to the other side, he then looked at Mikasa's face clearly and spoke, "I see. You're from back then....Eren's close friend?" he asked and Mikasa slightly widened her eyes. She never thought that he didn't recognize her in the first place.

Levi was about to speak but Alyssa butted in. He looked at her with worry, he knew that she got angry a while back because of what Mikasa said. Levi knew how to control his emotions ever since but Alyssa did not. Alyssa was trying her best not to say anything but Mikasa Ackerman for her have crossed the line.

"Oi, brat." She said, and Levi almost smiled. She never insulted a kid.

"Don't say that 'if you have protected Eren in the first place, this wouldn't have happened!' you selfish little mutt. What do you think have we been doing this whole time? Let me enlighten you, our squad is dead. Me and Levi are the only ones left." She spoke the last part in a whisper.

'Me and Levi are the only ones left.' It echoed in her own mind, so did Mikasa's and Levi's. Mikasa did not say anything but she only put her head down realizing that she have become insensitive. She didn't know, she was only thinking about her feelings and not her superiors.

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