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This is for 31k and 32k reads!! Thank you,  Cadets!!

short chapter.


He wanted to kill him. He wanted to rip off his organs—shed off his skin—or anything to kill him in the most inhumane ways he can ever imagine. He growled and shouted as he zipped up his grapple hooks onto the necks of the tall metered Titans that was going to come for him, walking towards his direction.

That fucking monkeythinking that he would get rid of me easily with these silly tricks? He thought smugly as at the blink of an eye, he already had slaughtered them all. He ran, he flew, his breathing not normal anymore. One thing was on his mind as he did those things in repeat.

Kill the Beast Titan shifter.


She opened her eyes. Slowly.

At first, she could only see white. It made her narrow her eyes, thinking that the white light appeared before her was going to blind her, but she tried to blink. Slowly, her eye adjusted to it, but she got confused on why her right sight was only coming back, not the left one. It had hit her after blinking multiple times,

I'm half blind. She thought to herself. Everything in her body ached. She glanced around and only she could see was destruction. Smoke almost everywhere, remains of destroyed houses around her, as she tried to sit her headache. She placed her hand on top of it and slightly froze as she felt warm liquid sitting pretty on top of her head.

Blood. She thought. I'm bleeding. She thought—her inside voice said calmly. As if bleeding alone wasn't dangerous nor life threatening.

"Fuck, what the hell did I miss?" Alyssa muttered under her breath. She was confused, she didn't make it in time to go inside the well, she didn't have anything to protect her from that explosion, —how am I alive? She thought, her hands trembled, and she took multiple deep breaths to calm herself down.

"I'm sure though that this is neither hell nor heaven—because I swear to God that this is Hell I would fucking hit myself." She said, as if she was threatening someone, but she was all alone in the place.

She slowly leaned onto the side of the house for her to stand. Her knees buckled but she managed, she found a glass nearby and she went towards it, limping as she bent. She saw her right and left eye open, but she now could only see from her right eye—her left eye completely blind, the brown color of it had already turned grey. There was blood surrounding there, surely from her eye. Then she also had a cut on her top and bottom of her right eye, it was a straight line, funny— she thought. In her left eye there was no such injury but it was the one that turned blind. It was fresh, as fresh as the cut in her lips. It looked like a thunder bolt that slashed in there, but it didn't affect her speaking at all. She blinked again, and touched her face, wincing as she touched her injuries in the face.

Not only in the face but she could also feel small cuts around her body.

She wanted to laugh as she stopped looking at herself from the glass.

So God didn't want me to die just yet, but lost me an eye. She thought to herself almost laughing maniacally. She then froze, realizing the people she had almost left in this world if she really died. The Kids! Are they okay? Hange and her squad? Is my temporary squad still alive? Levi! My Levi! Her questioning thoughts bombarded inside her head.

She saw her ODM gear still attached to her, she didn't even feel that it was still attached to her as she was used to its weight already for years. She then checked if her blades weren't broken—she also checked her Thunder Spears that were still with her, she wasn't sure if the fight had already been done seeing that there was no walking Colossal Titan nor the Armored Titan—she checked the ground and there was no rumbling.

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