24|in hiding

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"Are you sure about this?" Alyssa said as they rode their horse. She was looking at Levi who was wearing formal clothes, she looked down on herself just wearing casual ones. She really wanted to make sure if Levi really wanted Eren's friends to be part of the Levi squad.

"I'm sure about it." Levi said nearing his horse to hers. Alyssa put her left hand to cup his face.

Alyssa noticed how his cheeks were slightly chubby, she remembered how Levi reacted once when she pressed his cheeks.

The first thing he asked if she washed her hands. "It's not like we can do anything about it." He said, leaning in to her touch, holding it with his own hand, squeezing it softly.

"Why are we hiding again?" She asked softly, brushing her thumb just under his eyes. Levi's eyes were closed, then it slowly opened, Alyssa could see his beautiful eyelashes.

"We need to hide Historia." He muttered looking into her gray and brown eyes that were looking down on him with love, and care.

"And we need to hide Eren when Hange decides to experiment on him. I wanted to pick others to be new members of our Squad, but it would be the best, I think, if Eren's so-called-friends are the ones with him, so is Historia."

"Guess so." Alyssa said and Levi slowly leaned in locking his lips with hers. He cupped her head making it near his as they were still on top of their horses.

Levi felt her smile as her horse tried to move away, she pulled away gently laughing. Her laugh was gentle and soft, she whispered something on her horse's ear that he couldn't hear.

Stupid horse. What a way to ruin the moment. When did we ever ruin your moment with my horse? Levi glared at the horse, almost snarled at it.

Alyssa smiled at him saying that he should not glare like that to her horse or else the horse will do that more often.

Levi kissed her again as soon she was beside him. Craving for her warmth, as she craved his kisses.

He wanted to do it every day. He didn't know when will be the last time. He kept overthinking. Every night even when she's there by his side.

He knew she was there, but he couldn't help it. He once remembered what happened to the two people he had in his life, he didn't want that to happen to her.

I must not let that happen.


"Do you seriously think that attitude will satisfy Captain Levi?" Alyssa could hear Eren's voice when she was at the entrance of the remote cabin.

"Vice-Captain Alyssa might be okay with it, but Captain Levi's different!" Eren said his voice panicking. Alyssa almost laughed, at least Eren remembers that Levi hates filthy things. She pressed and dragged her shoes onto the rug so the dust would come off.

Alyssa entered and no one seemed to notice. Alyssa stood behind Jean, there was two things that Levi hated about Alyssa.

First, she was somehow always filthy, second, she got taller. He didn't say anything about it, but she knew he was mad. Alyssa just laughed it off, she was now 5'3 at least. She rose a brow at Eren and he immediately shut his mouth when he saw her blazing eyes saying, get back to work.

Jean didn't stop talking even though Eren turned his back on him.

"Horse- face." Alyssa said in a sharp voice, making everyone stop from what they are doing.

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