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We spent another week in New York before flying back home. I've collected many numbers from everyone I saw, including Kate's and Leisha's numbers, where I will never get over, but I'm ready for my bed, in my flat, with Marth. We haven't been alone in so long.

"Finally," Marth says, shutting the door. I nod, dragging myself to our room. I didn't bother with unpacking as I threw myself on the bed, wanting nothing other than to relax.

"I need a glass of wine and a bubble bath," I said, face down in my pillow.

"Me too," Marth agrees, copying my actions.

"You hear that?" Marth asked, making me sit up, confused.

"Hear what?" I asked, plopping back down.

"Exactly. No cameras, no interviews, no people touching us to dress us, no one banging on our hotel door," Marth said, and I smile.

"Just peace and quiet," she continued before pulling me into her.

"We have class tomorrow," I said, ruining the moment.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I miss it," Marth said as my fingers trace over where her sternum tattoo is.

"We never got to celebrate Valentine's day," I grumbled. It would've been our first one, and we didn't get to do it.

"Well, we can go out and celebrate tonight," Marth suggested.

"Can we order food? We've been around people for two weeks straight, and I need that break," I said, not wanting to leave.

"Of course," Marth said, pecking my lips.

"We can do that, baby," she said.

"We have the new red wine we never opened," I said, sitting up.

"Yes, we do," Marth smiled up at me.

We washed our laundry, put everything away before Marth and I took a bubble bath together.

"This is nice," I said as Marth relaxed into me. She rested the back of her head on my collarbone, swirling the bubbles around as we drank the wine. Her new record player was playing peacefully in the background, and for once, we could relax.

"We leave for France in week," Marth said, and I groaned.

"Let's not talk about work right now," I said, meaning it as I ran my hand through her hair.

"Good idea," she said. I know her eyes are closed, and I can feel how relaxed she is. Marth is never relaxed, so I know she needed this. The last weeks were insane, and we barely had time for each other, missing Valentine's Day, and I know things about to start up again, so I want to take this time this week to make myself available for Marth. She's nervous about modelling for Cedric, but I can tell she's excited at the same time.

"I love you," Marth said as I felt her hands run up and down my legs. I smiled, kissing the top of her head.

"I love you too," I said.

The next day Marth and I flew out to the Netherlands to visit Rowan's grave.

"I don't know why it took me so long to come here," Marth sniffles as I take her hand.

"You weren't ready," I said. Marth collapsed next to the headstone, crying.

"I miss you," she cries on the headstone. I slowly crouch to meet her, rubbing her back.

"Fuck," Marth cries harder, clutching the headstone as if to will her sister back to life.

"I wish she were here with us. She's going to miss our engagement, wedding, her nieces and nephews, just fucking everything," Marth wails, holding onto me now. I stroke the back of her head, letting her let it all out.

Lost On You : Marthe Woertman LGBTQ+ FanficWhere stories live. Discover now