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"Baby, be careful," I said to Marth as I helped her into our bathtub. She grunted, sitting as best as she could. Justin recommended Marth takes sponge baths until her casts are off.

"It hurts," Marth cries as she hesitantly let go of her crutches. I took them, placing them against the wall before gently sitting on the stool Kayla set up for me. She's been in the guest bedroom helping us since Marth, and I are trying to recover from the accident. Marth has been a mess since she found out Rowan died while she was unconscious. She still blames herself for what happened, and she's been trying to drink, but with her pain medication, she can only drink so much.

"I need more acetaminophen," Marth whined. She's been crying over the little things, and it's painful to watch her collapse like this.

"You took three earlier, and before that, you had four," I said. Marth sighed as I picked up the sponge.

"Please, baby. I hurt everywhere, and I can't fucking stand it," Marth said, slightly raising her slurred voice at me. She's high. Great.

"Look at me," I said. Marth darted her eyes down, avoiding my stare. I tilted her chin up, but she closed her eyes.

"Open your eyes," I said. Marth hesitantly opened her eyes. I sighed, dropping my hand from her face. Throwing the sponge down, I got up.

"You're high; you're fucking high," I spit, grabbing her prescribed medication. I dumped out the pills, counting them.

"Marth, you had fifty pills, and you're down to twenty-five," I said. Marth got eerily quiet. Marching back into to the loo, I looked down at my high girlfriend.

"Talk to me, Marth. Don't do this. Doing this can lead to addiction," I said, my voice cracking. Marth looked back down.

"I know," Marth said. I sighed, picking the sponge back up.

"So, why are you doing that?" I asked, gently scrubbing her skin as Marth sighed before she sniffled. She's crying again. I tried to wipe her tears away, but she looked elsewhere.

"Marth, please talk to me," I said to my girlfriend. I can feel her shutting me out.

"I miss her so much," Marth sobbed, hanging her head lower. I knew who she was talking about, and it kills me knowing she's turned to substances to cope.

"When I lost my mum, all I wanted to do was drink until I dropped. I begged for the easy way out, but when I stopped drinking, I realised my grief was still there, and all I did was postpone the grieving process," I started.

"I was so desperate to keep the pain at bay that I'd party till sun came up. I've taken pills I found in clubs, snorted god knows what for the worst trips of my life, and all because I didn't want to face the reality of my loss. That's the thing nobody tells you about getting off substances. All the shit you tried to run will always be the thing you run towards in the end because it will always be there until you properly deal with it," I share a part of my story with Marth because I don't want her to deal with this loss the way I did, and I don't want her to face the consequences of running.

"You never told me that," Marth sputters through tears.

"It's hard to talk about," I somberly state.

"Okay, I've got my burrito with everything on it, Marth's flauta plate with guac, and extra flautas, and Maxine's quesadilla plate," Kayla said, entering the restroom. Marth tried to hide her body from Kayla, but it's nothing Kayla hasn't seen.

"We're going to finish up in here, and then we'll be out," I said.

"I'll be in the living room," Kayla said, turning back around.

Lost On You : Marthe Woertman LGBTQ+ FanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя