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I anxiously waited for eleven o'clock to roll around. I can't believe Marth got a tattoo appointment for me. I wonder how bad it'll hurt. I guess they don't hurt bad enough for Marth to not have as many as she does.

Just as eleven hit, class ended and I rushed to find Marth. She was seated outside of my class.

"Ready?" She asked, taking my hand.

"Yes," I say, skipping along. Marth chuckled at my childish behavior, but I don't care. I'm too excited for my a tattoo.

"What's my price range?" I asked, getting in the truck.

"None," Marth clarifies, making me scoff.

"Marth, really?" I asked, doubting her.

"I mean it, baby. No price range. A friend of mine is doing it, so it could be free," Marth says, driving off. To waste time, we stopped at McDonald's.

"Hey, you must be Maxine," said a tall, black haired woman, said. She too had a lot of tattoos up and down her arms like Marth and just as tall.

"Yes, I am," I say.

"You're one lucky son of a bitch, I'll say," The woman said to Marth. Marth chuckles, pulling me closer to her.

"Yes, I am," Marth said, kissing my cheek.

"Well, I'm Sybil, and I will be doing your tattoo today. I just need you to fill out this information, and then we can get started," Sybil says, handing me a clipboard and a pen. Marth and I sit down as she helps me fill out my age, date of birth, address, and so on.

"Okay, perfect. If I could see some identification, that'd be great," Sybil said as I fished in my wallet for my ID.

"What should I get?" I anxiously asked Marth.

"What do you like?" Marth asked.

"Well, I like art and flowers," I say, trying to come up with something to stick on my body forever. I pulled out my sketchpad, I take everywhere, and began coming up with something. It was an orchid.

"Okay, so what are we thinking?" Sybil asked.

"I'm thinking something like this," I say, showing her my quick sketch.

"Ooh, an artist. Well, we can definitely do that. Where do you want it?" Sybil asked, taking the sketch and coping it on a stencil.

"I want it to wrap around my right forearm," I say, showing her by taking my left hand and drawing it around my arm.

"That would look beautiful," Sybil says.

"I need you to initial all of these real quick," Sybil said, handing me another clipboard.

Once I signed that I understand the terms and agreement and that I'm not under the influence, Marth and I followed Sybil to a station. After Sybil shaved my entire forearm and placed the stencil on me and made sure I liked the placement, I sat on the tattoo bed, and laid down. Marth sat down in another chair.

"Ready?" Sybil asked. I took Marth's hand, bracing myself when Sybil turned on the tattoo gun. The buzzing of the gun excited me, and the adrenaline I revived was intoxicating. Sybil was not heavy handed as she put the tiny needles to my skin. She looked so focused as she moved her hand up and down on my arm. I shut my eyes and controlled my breathing while I focused on Marth's hand in mine.

It hurt a lot in some areas, and felt fine in others.

I was done in four hours.

"Well, what do you think?" Sybil asked as I looked in the mirror. I smiled.

Lost On You : Marthe Woertman LGBTQ+ FanficWhere stories live. Discover now