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"Yes, I landed," I tell Sybil as I grab my suitcase, dragging it behind me. I let two days go by before I gave in, getting on a plane, chasing Maxine to New York. I see she finally noticed my posts because she liked them late at night. She was definitely drunk, and here I am, rushing to find her hotel.

This city is as busy as they come and as alive as they say. The concrete jungle is beautiful, but I barely glance around, hailing a taxi. Maxine was stupid enough to leave her location on as I tell the taxi driver where to go. He gives me shit, saying it's too expensive for me.

"My girlfriend is in there, and I'm her fucking partner, so if you could keep your damn mouth shut, you'd be wise," I snapped at the driver. He drove as I restrain myself from blowing up Maxine's phone, who's proven she won't let me ruin her time here in New York. She left to give me space, but fuck space. I can't be without Maxine.

I got dropped off, hastily paying the driver before rushing inside the lobby.

"Hi, I'm looking for a Maxine Scott," I said, but the receptionist.

"You and the rest of the lesbians in New York," I roll my eyes.

"I'm the woman in the artwork," I said, pulling out my phone to prove Maxine is my girlfriend by dreadfully logging into FaceBook, showing the receptionist our Christmas Night picture of us kissing.

"She isn't expecting any guests other than Kate Moennig," I groan, but it clicked.

"Kate Moennig?" I asked, shocked.

"Yes," Maxine has explaining to do for her to know Kate Moennig. Are they friends now?

"Anyway, I'm here to surprise her," I said, trying to keep my calm.

The receptionist told me Maxine's room number, and I fled the lobby, into a lift, down the hall, and at her door, violently knocking on it.

"Baby, it's me," I said. It's time I forgive her because I spent the last two days wanting to tell her in person, and I cannot wait until she returns home.

"Max, baby," I said, hearing footsteps.

The door opens, and there she is.

"Hey, who's there?" My heart sinks.

"Max, what the fuck?" I asked, stepping back.

"No, it's not like that, Marth. I want you to meet someone," Maxine says, looking at me with fierce eyes.

"Who?" I asked. This is not going the way I planned because there is an intruder in Maxine's fucking room.

"The muse herself," wait, I know this voice.

"Hi," I said, slowly entering Maxine's hotel room.

"I've heard a lot about you, Marth," Kate fucking Moennig is my girlfriend's hotel room.

"You have?" I'm sure Maxine has said plenty of shit about me.

"Yes, and it's been an honour getting to know you through her," Kate says, motioning her head at Maxine, who is smiling at me. I've missed her smile.

"Will I be seeing you at dinner tonight? There's someone who wants to meet you," Kate said, and I nod.

"Y-yeah, I'll be there if it's okay with Maxine," I said. Maxine takes my hand, and I can breathe again.

"I will get out of your hair," Kate said, leaving us alone. I didn't bother to unpack as I picked Maxine up, kissing her. She hesitated against my lips but kissed me anyway.

Lost On You : Marthe Woertman LGBTQ+ FanficWhere stories live. Discover now