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Marth snapped several pictures of me, and they got more intimate as the night went on. She ordered a couple of bottles of wine, drinking them little by little. Marth is so focused, and it's refreshing to see her in her element. I can tell she is taking her time as she asks me to move around the room and on the bed. I posed naked, but just my silhouette is shown, and you can see the city lights behind me.

"Baby, these are beautiful," I said, lifting my glass of wine, sipping on it some more.

"You're stunning," Marth said as we looked through her camera.

"Are we ready for this?" I asked, slipping on a robe as Marth guided us to the balcony. She let out a long sigh, looking out into the city.

"I want to be, but I'm terrified," she confesses, still admiring the lights. New York is busy, and the city never sleeps, but it's magical.

"It's okay to be," I say, kissing her cheek, sitting on her lap. She holds me close to her, sitting in silence together, drinking wine, and trying to navigate what our future holds, but I can't say because this is the first time I don't know what to expect. I look down on the bracelet that says the words I will forever carry with me.

I want to spend the unknown with you.

It's beautiful, and they mean more to me than they did when Marth first said it.

"I'm scared this will demand too much of our time, Max. I'm scared one of us will become too busy to barely check in with each other. I don't want this to break us up. I want this to build us, but I know we are about to the busiest we've ever been, and now that we will have to juggle school and this opportunity is a lot. I just got this promotion at work, and I don't know what to do," Marth says, tossing the rest of her wine back as she chugs it. I take her glass, setting it down.

Marth sighed, pushing the bottle further from her.

"One day at a time," I said. I can feel how stressed out she is, and there's nothing I can do to eradicate how she feels.

"Now I have to start medication soon, and I hope it helps with my anxiety," it will.

"I know you can take on more than you think, Marth," I said.

"I can?" She asked, and my face dropped.

"This is a good challenge, baby, because you can learn to see you're this brilliant, talented, witty woman," I said, tucking her hair behind her ears.

"Marth, you have been presented the opportunity to do what you love for a living with another chance to try something new," Marth sighs at my words, and she looks panicked.

"I can't do it," I look down, afraid she'd do this.

"Baby, I can't do it," Marth says, and I can feel her breathing increase.

"Hey, look at me," I said, cupping her face in my hands to centre her.

"Baby, I'm right here," I say, looking into her eyes.

"Breathe," I said, pulling her head into my chest as she hangs onto me with a death grip.

"Breathe with me," I call out, syncing our breath patterns. Once we were in sync, I felt Marth calm down, and her grip loosened. We stayed like this for an hour before I fell sleepy and exhausted from the day.

"Can we sleep?" Marth asked, yawning. I nodded, agreeing it's time for bed. We brushed our teeth and slipped into the covers, holding each other as we drifted. I dreamt of brown eyes and flashing cameras.

The following day, Arden took us around the state, showing us as much as she could, taking us shopping for clothes I could never afford, but she insisted on buying them for us. Marth now has a new collection of suits and dresses. I've never seen her in a dress, but as she steps out of the dressing room, I nearly lose it.

Lost On You : Marthe Woertman LGBTQ+ FanficWhere stories live. Discover now