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"So, Marthe, what do you like to do other than music?" Cole asked me as I chugged my beer. I like doing his daughter, but I do not think he will like that for an answer.

"Maxine somewhat got me into art," I said, looking at anything but him. There was a pause, more like an awkward silence, but at least we are not fighting anymore.

"Did she? Well, that is good," Cole finally spoke as I continued balancing on one foot. I noticed a picture on the mantle, and the woman in the photo looks like Maxine, but it is not. It is her mother.

"Is that your wife?" I asked, looking at the picture.

"Yes, that is her," Cole said, looking at the picture with both grief and love. I sighed, looking down. I know I should bite the fucking bullet and apologise for being such a dick, but I cannot bring myself to, and maybe that is because I feel he owes me one too.

"Maxine took after her," I said, admiring the small baby in her arms.

"She is beautiful," I commented, mostly looking at my girlfriend as a baby. Her blue eyes are even bigger and brighter, and they hold so much wonder and curiosity.

"Yeah, she is," I said before Maxine came back into the living room with some cookies and tea. I sat down on the couch as Maxine set down the tray of treats. Rebel was still here, getting along with my mom, and that is weird to see, but if we are family now, then I guess extended family must try and make it work. That is the thing about couples. When couples get together, they bring families together, and it might not always be smooth sailing, but at least we try.

"I made these," she proudly states, sitting down next to me. I wrapped my arm around her as she rested her head on my shoulder.

We ate quietly, trying to avoid a real conversation. How do I get to know the people who were relentlessly expressing how much they hate me? I don't know what I'm doing here, so I don't know why I agreed to come.

Okay, stop it, Marthe. This is your girlfriends family, and you need their approval. Maybe they don't already approve of you, and I don't blame them, but you need to focus on befriending them as if Maxine wasn't in the picture. Yes, divorce yourself from the idea of Maxine's family loving you because you're her girlfriend. Better yet, make them fall in love with you through you.

"Um, Cole, I noticed your vinyl collection," I said, pointing to the stack of records.

"I used to own a record player, but someone broke it." I cringed at the memory of Layla throwing my record player out the window of my dorm. Cole looked surprised that I'd be interested in anything he has.

"Oh, is that so? Well, come and have a look," Cole insisted as I struggled to get up.

"I forgot about your leg. I'll come to you," Cole stated, but it was too late.

"No, it's okay. I've managed," I said, reaching Cole. He showed me all the records in this room, and I want to say I saw over one-hundred. I miss my record player, so this gave me some inspiration to save up for one.

"No, way, you have this," I said, pulling out a Holding Out for a Hero by Bonnie Tyler. Cole smiled, proud I'm impressed by his fantastic collection of eighty's music. I am obsessed with the eighties, and he made my day by letting me stay to see them.

"It's yours if you want it," Cole said, shocking me. I looked at Maxine, who also held the same reaction on her face.

"I-I-I can't," my modesty shows through, but Cole was insistent I do.

"Please, take it. I want you to have it," Cole enthused. I took the record from him. Maybe there is hope for us after all.

"Speaking of showing things, I want to show you my old room," Maxine said, smiling up at me. I smiled down at her, taking in my lower lip in the process.

Lost On You : Marthe Woertman LGBTQ+ FanficWhere stories live. Discover now