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I was down by Marth's truck, ready for classes as we prepare for finals before winter break. I've decided to stay at Sybil's flat with her until Marth, and I can be cordial without the pain.

"Good morning," Marth said, joining me. I half expected her to kiss me, but she didn't as she unlocked her truck. Getting in, we were quiet. As she drove, I felt her hand place itself on my thigh but quickly removed it.

"Sorry, habit," this is painful.

"It's okay," I said, but I miss her hand on my thigh as she drives. I take note of her baseball hat on backwards, and I can smell her cologne from here, which is something I've always found hot about Marth, so this is pure torture.

"Do you want coffee?" Marth asked as she pulled into the car lot.

"Yes," I said as we got out. I wanted to reach for Marth's hand, but I didn't, and this tension is unbearable to breathe in. It's suffocating me.

Heading inside Starbucks, I see Louis and Darren working their shift, but they can't keep their eyes off each other. Now my friends are reminding me of what I'm missing.

"Hey, loverboys," Marth jokes, pulling out her wallet.

"I can pay," I said, making her look down at me. She put her wallet away, just like that, making me blink twice before stepping up. I ordered Marth's coffee from memory, and I ordered myself the same thing before we sat, waiting. Kayla, Serenity, and Issac came up, asking us how our Thanksgiving break was. We laughed it off, coming up with a bullshit answer, not wanting to tell them we broke up.

"I met her dad again," Marth says as Louis called our orders. I got up, leaving Marth with my friends.

"You guys work everything out?" Louis asked. I nodded.

"Yup, just friends," those words are enough to make me sick, and I feel sick, and I want to march over there and kiss Marth like I wanted to yesterday, and I nearly left Sybil's flat to crawl into bed with Marth because I still have my flat key, and what is wrong with me? She cheated on me, and I still want her.

"It is okay if you want to be with her, Maxine," he has no idea how badly I want to get over it and be with her. She said she'd fight for me, so now I want to see how that'll play out.

"This is killing me," I whined.

"It doesn't have to," I hate how right he is. Taking the coffee, I gave one to Marth.

"Marth was just telling us about the new tattoo on your leg," Serenity pointed out. I chuckled, looking down at my clothed legs.

"Yeah, Sybil did it," I said, knowing Marth has minor issues with her townie friend.

"And your hair!" Kayla exclaimed at my impulsive decision to dye it. While I was drinking scotch, I decided that I'd do something radical to feel some control over my falling apart life.

"This was an 'in the moment' kind of thing," and it was. Sybil had to help me because I've never dyed my hair before, so it was quite the show.

"Well, I like it," Marth said, playing with the ends of my hair. I've never seen her smile so much.

"You guys do make a cute couple," Issac complimented. I nodded, looking at my ex-girlfriend, and I've had enough. I got up, grabbing my bag.

"I gotta go," I said, rushing out. I can't do this. I can't be friends with Marth. In what world would be just friends?

"Hey, wait," Marth called out, following me to the library.

"Max, wait," she called again, catching up to me. Damn her long legs.

Lost On You : Marthe Woertman LGBTQ+ FanficWhere stories live. Discover now