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A month and a half passed and Marth became a stranger who slept in the same room as me whenever she is here. I've seen her maybe twice, but that's it. I was mad the first week, but after a while, I stopped caring. It's not like I felt anything for her because the kiss was a stupid kiss. I was drunk.

Yeah, I was drunk, and that's the end of it.

I don't feel anything for her. There's no way I do because it was one kiss. I don't know why the separation was so painful. I spent one hell of a week with her and hated it, so why do I feel so empty? Why does a part of me yearn for even the littlest of her time? I felt this kind of pain a few years back, and I told my parents about it before my mum died. They told me what I felt was unnatural and that I needed to not think like that, so I shoved aside anything I ever felt for my friend.

I know I ignored something important about me, and Marth is single-handedly digging it up, and I'm afraid what she's going to find. I'd still see her in the morning at Starbucks doing her homework. She'd glance at me, but would quickly look away. That Ava girl came around every once in a while, but two weeks ago, I stopped seeing her. Part of me felt happy I didn't, and the other refused to acknowledge why. I also see her in my first class. She sat behind me almost every day, but never said a word, and it is killing me.

I was leaving my last class of the day when I ran into Marth. She looked upset.

"Can we talk?" She asked quietly. I had to take a second to admire her in a baseball cap backwards on her. The memory of kissing her came running back, and I couldn't sit still.

"Um, yeah, let me just take my stuff to the dorm," I said, trying to get away to mentally prepare myself to spend time with her.

"Now," she insisted. I blinked taken back by her urgency.

"O-okay," I said as I hesitantly followed her to her truck. Getting in, she started the engine and pulled out of the car park. She headed in the direction of Whataburger.

Parking, we got out. Getting in line, I knew what I wanted this time.

"I'm paying," Marth said, pulling out a card.

"Thank you," I said.

"Where do you work?" I asked curiously.

"I work at H.E.B," she said. I remember seeing one, but I've never been inside. We don't have those in England.

"Yeah, I've been there since last year. I'm trying to get an apartment," Marth continued as I ordered. She ordered next and paid.

"There's a position open if you want it," Marth said as we sat down. I made a mental note to remember that.

"Listen," Marth started, playing with the number card given to us for our order.

"I want to apologise for my behaviour that first week of classes. Nobody's ever done that," Marth said, nervously. I furrowed my brows confused by this version of Marth.

"Done what?" I asked while an employee gave us our food.

"Stood up to me," Marth said, looking everywhere but my eyes.

"I didn't like that, but it got me thinking," she said as I ate. Her eyes finally on mine, I paused. Will I ever get used to her eye contact?

"About?" I asked, waiting for her stalled answer.

"If you want to stay at Johnny's, that's fine. I won't make a fuss about it, but I won't have anyone over in the middle of the night. It is your place too, and it wouldn't be fair of me to kick you out because I wanna have sex," Marth said, making me feel uncomfortable with her sleeping with someone else... I mean with someone in our dorm.

Lost On You : Marthe Woertman LGBTQ+ FanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora