Chapter Fifty-Four

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Sage had awoken in a panic, and it was one where her entire body felt still and hardly responsive to her commands, even when she willed her arms to push forward.

The image was clear in her mind, and so was her mission.

Slipping out of bed and taking a pair of clothes from the closet, she found her way out of the bedroom to get dressed elsewhere. Her heart was racing faster than her mind could process, and so when she opened the house door—She was met with an unimpressed-looking Charge, his arms crossed over his chest and a frown embedded deeply in his expression.

"Evening Luna." He curtly pushed, and she huffed.
"I have to go."
"Alpha said no more night runs hun, you know that. Pup's not ready to come out yet, he needs to stay in there a lil longer." On any other night she would've pointed out the fact that even Blake thought the pup was a male, but the fact that she didn't, caught him off guard.

Something was wrong, and he caught wind of it when she looked up at the moon. The cloudy yet full moon dominating the sky.

She remembered kindly to Luke's words, that this would be the strongest any of their kind would be, she just hoped she'd make it in time.

"You drive." She ordered, and Blake instantly picked up the pace to follow her. "Uh, the dinner closed a few hours ago hun."
"Not dinner, highway."
"Excuse me?!" Sage didn't have time to waste, so she stopped her attempt into getting in the car and caught his cheek in her hand.

Close to instantly did the imagines roll through her head to his, that is what caused him to wake up in the same panic as Sage. He felt her premonition to the point of causing him to choke and fall to his knees.

"You drive."

"Sage, we—We can't take on a whole truckload of—" She glared at him in anger and slammed the door shut behind her, ultimately getting Blake to take the driver's seat to speak with her further.

"Sage, we need evidence—We need an army to take on people from the Underground. It's—"
"Then we call Birdie." She claimed, and before Blake had any second word to talk her out of it, she dialed the bird.

"Little wolf, always at the oddest of times..."
"I have dream about trucks moving—"
"Prisoners, they were prisoners, hun. They were in like a cryostasis, Mrs.Warren, Sage showed me the dream. It looks like they're moving them to another facility." With Blake's explanation of the dream, the witch went silent for a few moments before letting out a hum.

"Did the dream give any indication as to where it would be driving to?" Sage hardly knew how to drive a car let alone know the signs or symbols that lingered the road for the driver, but Blake answered right then and there.

"They were getting off exit eight, they're heading west...It makes sense, most of their facilities are that way." Aurelia found herself in a bit of a debate, but this was another lead. And even if there was one witch, it would give a clue as to where their missing coven members were being taken.

"Alright, you have my blessings, little Luna. I'll be sending a few witches, call me directly if you have any more information." Blake mentioned that it was a rather large truck, two containers. And at this time of night, with the number of trucks doing their nightly travels, it would be difficult—Though the witches had an element of magic on their side.

When the call ended, Sage looked expectedly to Blake as she wanted to go and meet them. It was clearly written all over her face as she nicked her head to go.

"Sage, I cannot take you off pack property to deliver you straight back to those scientists. Are you fucking insane?!"
"I want to help!"
"Then help by waking up your mate!" It was rather pathetic of them both to think Remus wasn't awake to begin with. Though he had hoped Sage hadn't left the house and he was glad that she was only in the car, though it looked strange.

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