Chapter Thirty-Three

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Remus had a tally of his best nights, the first was easy to call back on. The night he returned to his room after meeting Sage. He never felt so relieved and so devoted to someone who he'd just met.

It was a tie between two for second place, in order it was the first time they slept together, purely innocent since it happened over the Elwood's. After he learned the absolute fear she had over collars.
The one following that was the first night in their house.
Yet the first time they mated was a different category altogether, the feeling of being complete never felt so fulfilling than that.

As it coexisted with the days of her heat and they slept in utter exhaustion to wake up and do it all over again.

But today...He felt hot.
Sweating hot—And the banging on the door downstairs felt like a numb ringing as he move up, just not in the way that he was hoping.

He hadn't realized he slept in his fur, which was why he was so damn hot. The windows weren't open and the air conditioner wasn't on. Even then he had cuddled up beside Sage's wolf regardless.

Blinking around in confusion did he see the sudden state of their room and he couldn't help but shift back to skin. "...Fuck."


What goddess, what?!

For fuck sakes, could you give me a warning when you decide to sleep the day away?!

What time is it?

Eleven. You missed the meeting with Issac but he was happy to reschedule, Jack and I managed to do the rest. Did the council really take it out of you, Alpha?

Remus couldn't help but look down at Sage in that moment, his hand running through her fur and behind her ear. Earning him a small puff of a whine, but she didn't wake up.

Hell, they broke the damn bed with what they did last night. And his wolf was still thriving on a sex high.


Yeah? Yep? I'm here.

Jack and I couldn't link you this morning or last night.

Am I allowed to have a little privacy, Eli?

Of course, sir...Did I wake up Sage?

Nah, she's snoring away...We'll be over at the packhouse in an hour or so.

Eli was relieved to say the least, but Jack just smirked. "They had fun, can you blame them?" He cheered, and Eli groaned into the air as he continued back towards the packhouse.

"No, but I'd like to get back to my mate."
"Then invite her over too, you can't keep sending her off to do assistant work. Even Sage doesn't do that." It was true, Eli was holding out on Julia helping him with his work.

It felt wrong to burden her with it when she was still getting used to the pack and names with its members. Besides, she was with her niece and he wanted her to spend as much time with the pup before she was dropped off.

Remus on the other hand, was facing a struggle, does he wake up his exhausted and thoroughly satisfied mate or does he allow her to sleep in?

It was only eleven in the morning, he's been back for nearly twenty-four hours, and the majority of the time he was overtaken by his wolf. He couldn't remember the last time that's happened.

Perhaps when Sage had her first heat and he was away--when he turned more wolf than man?

It was clear what happened, his wolf couldn't get enough of the scents lofting around their room. But soon enough the air conditioner clicked on and the room started to grow cooler.

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