Chapter Forty-Four

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Sage was in the middle of a crisis, her clothes were starting to get too small for her to wear. And while she did like the witch's clothes, she couldn't wear them all the time. Nor could she wear sweat pants and her mate's t-shirts when it was starting to get so hot.

"Sage! Lunch is almost ready, do you want—Hun?" She sniffled and wiped her eyes as she tried to hide away her puffy eyes, just this week alone she cried too much.

She hated it, and so she tried to get ready again. Only for her to grow more frustrated.

"Sage, let me in..." It was better than asking her 'what's wrong' or 'what's the matter,' it would only enrage her more.

"I'm fat." Remus choked, he couldn't control the cough that escaped him as he finally saw the issue at hand. "Sagey—"
"I can't fit in clothes! I can't fit into shoes! Everything hurts!" It wasn't at all strange for Sage to start to feel this way, not when she had hit the halfway mark just a few days ago.

"Then you don't wear shoes and you wear what fits. And I'll happily rub your feet or give you another back massage." She groaned, she was getting angry at the fact that her mate was just agreeing with her. This flashing of emotions was hard on any pregnant she-wolf, and it even fluctuated with humans as well.
Hormones were hormones.

And the male would be subjected to all of it, no matter what species.

"Do you want to take a run after lunch?" She stilled in her tantrum and turned to look at him, her shoulders falling as she pouted. "I'm sorry."
"Sorry that you turned into an angry grizzly or because you don't want to take a run with me?"
"That I turned into angry bear, but I'm a black bear. And I wanna run!" He helped find some clothes that fit her, the weather might be getting warmer but there were still days when the temperature dipped.

Especially at night.

"There, now you look beautiful." Her heart started to quicken, especially since she knew what those types of comments meant.
"You aren't fat munchkin, this is our pup. He's not staying in there forever." Her eyes started to narrow at the pronoun he used.

"Rue is female."
"Roe is male." Sage's eyes sparkled at the idea of a boy's name, and he watched how her hands started to rub in a relaxing manner.

"Roe or Rue?"
"Well, I thought Ronan was a good name, a strong name. Ronan Moon."
"Nickname Roe, but full name Ronan. I like his name." They hadn't discussed names as much as they probably should've, but now was a better time than any.

"Are we good?... I think there's some chicken tenders downstairs with your name on it." She hummed, only to be followed by her stomach aching for the food.

"Is that pillow working? You were talking again in your sleep again."
"I talk in sleep?" He nodded, leading her downstairs and making her a hefty plate before serving it to her.

"Yeah, sounded like you were talking to Luke." She tried her best to remember what she was dreaming of last night but nothing came to mind.

Lately, the only conversations between the two were fairly uninteresting as they talked about politics—Preparing for the trio of packs that were going to be meeting soon.
Sage was very excited to see Mary again, as well as Issac. But she also wanted to tell one of her friends that she's pregnant, she couldn't tell Jade or Haylee and it was getting harder to keep it a secret.

Especially when Sage had questions about the birth that Jade would be able to answer—Thankful Remus said that once the trio knew they could possibly make the announcement public to the rest of the packs.

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