Chapter Eighteen

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 After the incident at the school, there had been a lot more glances in Sage's direction. Some days she would stay for lunch to talk to her friends and others she would stay in the art room, it was a well-balanced sanctum. Better yet, Evie said that they could start having their own lessons in a classroom, it was better than being cooped up in her house all day.

However, what Remus failed to realize is that Sage had missed out on a majority of a teenage lifestyle. So when she asked him if she could go out to eat with Piper and Lisa he was shocked.

This led to a point of having to tell Sage not to ask, she didn't need his permission to be able to do things with friends—Unless it involved something dangerous.
He wanted to be told, not asked.

He was getting better at teaching her the basics, this was not one of those things she'd get on the first try. She understood that, though he was taking back what he said about buying another ATV.

On another note, however, Sage had been recommended a novel by the librarian. She thought it was beautiful the first time she walked in while waiting for her lab one day, so she asked what she should read.

And it ended with her picking a fantasy novel for the Luna, and it allowed Sage a bit of an escape from her work. Especially when Remus was getting busy during their times that were meant to be spent together.

At first, Sage felt rather left out. But this was an Alpha's job anyway, with these books to distract her, she was able to read the day away. Yet that meant she fell asleep in her bed as opposed to the one she shares with Remus.

The two rarely saw one another, and it made her anxious. 

Currently, she was struggling with a word. No matter how many times she read it or said it outloud, she couldn't manage the phrase. Even the discription the book was giving didn't make much sense, so she googled it.


Even looking at the word now typed on the screen caused her to pout, but she pressed enter, and sweet goddess she did not know what to do with what she found.

She realized it was an action, an action that could lead to mating and a rather devious voice in her head told her to try it. So she read the rest of the chapter, learning just exactly what this 'blowjob' is, and she was all ready to test out her theory.

Remus was out patrolling at the moment, trying to comb what areas could be similar to Mystic Grimm in terms of where the silver rope could be located before they bring out Sage and Blake.

There were a few locations that would need to be checked.

But that left both Eli and Jack in the Alpha's office, looking over leads of previous Rogue attack to try and find a pattern. However, when Jack had logged in onto the Alpha's computer, he spat his coffee directly to the floor and started wheezing.

"Goddess sake, keep it down! I'm trying to think." Eli growled, but Jack was on the verge of tears in seeing what was plastered on the side.

"WHAT?!" Jack had already turned over the screen for the Beta to see, although he stopped over aggravated as is. His face cracked with a scoff instantly.

They knew Remus was keeping tabs on his mate's search history, but this was by far the greatest discovery of them all.

"Our little Luna's turned into a little Devil, hasn't she?" Jack said with a grin, though with only one search it was easy to delete. Clearly hanging out with the high schoolers would inflicted some much-needed life lessons.

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