Chapter One

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I let my hand glide through the water. It was But it was so beautiful. The water was calm as it was the middle of the afternoon, the sun was directly above us making the water sparkle.

There's a reason I became a Marine biologist. I have always loved the ocean, and all creatures inside of it. The fish, crustaceans, sea mammals and small plankton. All of it. My mom was a Carcinologist. Which is the study of crustaceans. My dad wasn't really in the picture..but my mom made sure that I was happy and that I treated all sea creatures well.

I looked up from the water to see out in the far horizon. The water literally went as far as the eye could see. It was beautiful.

My thoughts were cut short when Namjoon, my best friend and partner, called me.

"Y/n, hey, can you come here please?"

He asked with a sigh. Probably needing help with something. Oh well, I should go help him I guess. I got up and went to him in the higher part of the deck. My boat had two decks. Ah I loved my boat, the Telepathy.

"Hmm?" I hummed at him, in a questioning way.

"Can you please help me untangle the rope? It all messed up..not by me of course."

I laughed and nodded. It was definitely, obviously him. But either way, I came over to help him to organize the ropes.

After at least 30 minutes, we were finally done. I looked at Joon and saw him already looking at me.

"Y/n, are you sure you still want to make the dive later tonight? I've only been this far out once and not to mention you've never been out at night. It would be very risk-"

I cut him off..

"Joonie, I'll be okay...You'll be out there too. We will be fine.."

Later that night we were getting into our gear.

"Ready joon?" I asked him excitedly.

"I...guess so?"

Then we both went over and jumped into the deep, dark water.

Taehyung POV

I Looked around my palace from the tall throne. It was a beautiful palace with 1,000 maids and servants. The walls made of the finest blue pearl rock, and marble floors. Windows high and perfectly crystal clear.

It was a lovely palace. With me, the King to rule all of my kingdom; Seoulutopia.

I thought of myself as a not just a good king, but a Great king. My people were lucky to have me. They might not think such though, because they see me as "heartless" and think I'm too "strict"...some even go as far as to say "evil". But I maybe a bit harsh, I just know the place of the little people.

"My Lord, Your..your father is here to see you.." one of my higher up servants said, interrupting my thoughts.

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Send him in.." I said, obviously annoyed. 

There came in my father, Ex king. He still has a lot of respect from the people just because they say he is nicer than me. What nonsense.

"My son.." he said in a fake nice voice.

"Father.." I said the word with disgust. He was nice to our people..but not to me as his son..

"What pleasure do I get to see you" I ask him.

"Of course I'm here to tell you that you need to find yourself a bride soon. A Queen to rule over Seoulutopia with you. Its important.." he said with a flat, serious tone.

I stare at him blankly. This isn't the first time he's mentioned a wife to me. But it is the first time he has seemed so strong about it.

"Father, why must I need a wife? I am ruling just fine on my own."

He sighed.

"Taehyung, you have power, money, and the..ability to rule..but you lack compassion."

I rolled my eyes. Compassion? Really? What bull-  ugh..

My father kept talking and talking blabbering about this and that. I'm getting tired of this.

"Enough! Father..please not now."

My father turned around abruptly and walked out. I rolled my eyes for probably the 5th time today and got off from my throne.

"Where are you going, my highness?" Asked a servant of mine.

"Out." I said plainly and left...

《 ayyyy author here. I have other stories I just have so many ideas I want to get out. Thanks for reading this. Have a great day/ night!》

The Sea King// Kim Taehyung X ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant