19: Learning Pains

Start from the beginning

Lexi: "weren't you complaining that it was too hot today?" She asks rhetorically as Lexington snaps back saying that doesn't he likes being in the water. "Could've fooled me." She says as they hear explosions in the distance. "The Phoenix Hell is that?"

Lexington: "I don't-" as Aiden suddenly crashes into him as they both end up in the lake. "Goddamn it! Aiden you're lucky I actually like you!" He says grabbing him by the collar whilst glaring.

Aiden: "then why are you grabbing me like this?" He asks with a nervous chuckle as Lexington quickly dunks Aiden's head in the lake but they both get out of the lake.

Simon: "I think that'll be enough training for today, get yourselves dried up." He barely says with a straight face while Lexington and Aiden leave.

Lexi: "think Lex can get a grasp on it?" She asks bluntly as Simon takes a moment to think before answering.

Simon: "I honestly don't know, he's talented and his potential is through the roof but... With fear comes a sense of control." He says knowing that better than anyone else. Lexington and Aiden meanwhile are headed on back.

Lexington: "so you were practically flying?" He asks wondering about the explosions.

Aiden: "ah yeah, apparently explosions are good at getting someone in the air." He says as they see an ice wall moved past them as they look seeing Sigurd practicing Ice magic.

Sigurd: "my bad, didn't see you two there." He says stoically as Lex and Aiden approach.

Lexington: "should've known a Newcastlian would use ice magic." He says as Sigurd shakes his head. "What else are you practicing?" He asks curiously as Sigurd's eyes glow a bit and stares right into his while grabbing his arm. "Man I'm kinda curious to see Elyria looks like without clothes." He randomly blurts out as Aiden looks over at Lex with confusion. "Why did I say that out loud? What'd the fuck you do to me!?" He asks frantically with an embarrassed blush on his face.

Sigurd: "confession magic, can get anyone to confess their dirty little secret, your next redhead." He says trying to grab Aiden but Aiden counters by throwing him over his shoulder.

Aiden: "yeahhhh no... I like my privacy thank you." He says with some paranoia as the three arrive at the academy.

Lexington: "I'll see you two later." He says headed to his mother's office. "You got any extra clothes, sis and dad went overboard." As Mary chuckles with amusement finding him some fresh clothes as Lexington is in the middle of changing as Mary isn't watching.

Mary: "you said you saw what happened in a vision?" As Lexington nods saying Alec did that. "Hmm." She says acknowledging this.

Lexington: "so... You were a nun... Did... You believe in Aiglia?" He asks curiously as Mary turns to him fully clothed.

Mary: "I did... Though my beliefs are more complicated these days, after losing you? I couldn't justify believing a goddess that allowed that to happen." She says as Lexington touches her shoulder in a comforting. "I'm okay though, you're safe and sound now." She says giving a smile.

Lexington: "I understand... More than you can imagine." He says giving his mother a hug. "Though... I actually met Ayden down in Riverden... He hasn't changed at all I'm case you were curious." He says as Mary shakes her head as that doesn't surprise her.

Mary: "not at surprising, him being in a shithole like Riverden is the least he deserves." She says rather harshly as Lexington chuckles with amusement.

Lexington: "think I know where my attitude from." He jokes earning a playful hit to his chest.

Mary: "don't be a smsrtass Lightning child." As Lex smiles glad to have that motherly affection he's always wanted.
*Meanwhile in Newcastle.* An early twenties man is sitting in a chair with his feet on the table with his bloodied greatsword called Death's Omen. He crosses his arms as there are six dead ghouls on the floor as a man tries forming words as the huntsman opens his eyes revealing their violet shade that go well with his black hair.

Huntsman: "get me my payment and I'll be gone." He says harshly with a gruffly voice. "Went all this way looking for the first gargoyle yet I get fuckin ghouls... And not even alphas." He says annoyed when he sees a raven fly into the tavern as it lands on his feet. He gently grabs it removing the message from it's leg reading through. "Demons... How wonderful, least I'll actually get a challenge." He says standing up and grabs Death's Omen placing it on his shoulder walking out of the tavern.

Man: "master Crowe your payment." He says tossing the pouch to Crowe who catches it one handed.

Crowe: "thank you, now I'll be on my merry way." He says walking off on the path before him.

Age Of Huntsman: The Hunter's Call (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now