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"Y/n! It's a pleasure to see you again." Micheal says, his voice resonating around the room making you feel dizzy and uncomfortable.

His powers had definitely increased because you could feel his magical aura pulsating around him, it was an ugly red and was larger than ever.

"Y-You know him?" Jeff says under his breath.

Micheal ignored it but you acknowledged it.

"Yup," You say casually.

Micheal just smiles menacingly.

"Why did you come here?" Micheal asks, looking down on you as if you were an insignificant speck of dust.

You just shrug, trying not to feel the pressure of his ever-increasing power.

"I presume you want to know what the Co-Operative is?" Micheal questions.

It was strange how the room was completely silent when he was talking.

You got a feeling that no one was scared of Micheal at first but after a few minutes around him, you started to feel the fear creeping up on this inside and eating you up.

"Yeah," You say, "Yeah, I do."

"Well, if you follow me I'll give you the full tour."

You follow him out the door reluctantly, you were surprised he hadn't killed you yet.

Maybe he was feeding on your terror just like Pennywise.

Micheal walked you through the lab, pointing nothing out at all.

At that point you were wondering if he was just leading you somewhere quiet so that when you died, no one would hear your screams.

You try to shake the thought out of your mind as you are led into an empty blackened room, it became increasingly harder to ignore the death notion that was pestering you.

There was a huge black table that stretched across the room, Micheal walked around to one head of the table whilst you stood at the other side.

"So, take a seat." Micheal says, breaking the silence.

"This is so weird." You say, accidentally letting the fear slip slightly into your voice.

A small chuckle escaped the antichrist'a lips.

"So.. what is the cooperative? And," You pause, considering whether the question you were going to ask would have a bad result, "Why aren't you killing me right now?"

Micheal laughed this time, "Oh, y/n, do you ever consider the threat of 'judgement day'"

"Like from Terminator?" You ask, truthfully, you thought about the likelihood of most sci-fi films a lot.

"No. Religiously." Micheal says, he wasn't in the mood for film references.

"Oh like the dead from their graves?" You reply, causing the antichrist to roll his eyes.

"That's just bullshit and you know it," Micheal says aggressively before calming down and declaring, "The real end of the world will be much more beautiful."

You just nod awkwardly.

"Which question are you answering exactly?" You ask making Micheal bang his fists on the table, also making you relieved that you were sitting on the other side of the table.

"Both." Micheal admits.

"So I'm dying in the apocalypse?"

"Yep, it's much more painful and efficient." Micheal says, not even a tendency of anxiety or aggression in his voice, just tranquil.

He acted like murdering seven billion people was nothing.

"Brilliant." You say sarcastically.

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