Vitum Vitalis

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"I'm not helping." Maddison says, swishing her black dress.

"What?" You say squinting your eyes in disbelief, "How could you?"

"That bitch got what was coming to her!" Maddison replies, "It's not my fault she can't do transmutation."

"I thought you were friends." You continue.

"I guess not." Maddison says but you ignored her.

"You partied together, you studied together, how could you be so cold?" You ask.

Maddison shrugs and smiles sarcastically.

You just shake your head and stride inside, slamming the doors behind you. She was a stuck up bitch.

When you are in the greenhouse downstairs, you see Queenie crying. Why was she crying?

"Hey what's going on?" You ask.

"Where is Maddison?" Cordelia asks.

"She decided that Zoe didn't need saving." You say, not bothered about whether everyone could tell if you were annoyed. Myrtle cursed in the background.

"It's fine though. I can save Zoe." You say before muttering the words 'vitum vitalis'.

After a few seconds, Zoe bolts upright, coughing up dried blood.

Kyle, who was stood beside her, hugged her tightly. They both cried into each other's arms, it would've been romantic if everyone wasn't staring.

"So, if Misty, Zoe and Queenie are out, it's only Y/n and Maddison left"  Myrtle says, eyes landing on you.

It was then when Maddison strolled in. She had changed clothes into something white. She had way too much time on her hands.

"So, what do I have to do until you accept that I am the supreme." Maddison says.

"Y/n is the next supreme." Cordelia says.

"No I don't think that I-" You try to say but Maddison stops you.

"Look, even she thinks that she's not the supreme so frankly, I need to be crowned. Now." Maddison says, smiling coyly.

"No." You say, this time no one interrupts you. "I don't think that I'm the supreme." Maddison smiled but you continued, "But, I don't think Maddison is either."

"Urgh," Maddison says, knocking over a plant pot and storming out. You stopped the plant pot from smashing with telekinesis. You raised it to the table and then stared at Cordelia.

"I think you're the supreme of this coven." You say to her. Myrtles worried expression turns to a smile and she begins nodding at Cordelia.

"No-No," Cordelia mutters humbly. "It can't be."

"No, it can" Myrtle says, "In fact, I'd be prepared to stake my life upon it."

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