Back in Hell

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When you wake up, you are back in the otherwise-empty spare room.

You rapidly haul yourself out of bed, praying that the demon wasn't watching you or something. You didn't know. Your eyes flashed to the doorframe and windows.

Crap. They were bricked up. Not again.

"Hello?" You shout. "I know you are watching me."

A familiar figure solidifies in front of you. It's yellow teethed smile was hard to forget.

"Papa Legba?" You say.

"Very perceptive my child" He says, his laugh booming from the ground up.

"Why are you here? I don't get it. I'm not dead" You ask confused.

"You didn't put yourself here." The creature rasps. "Nan did."

"Nan? Wha-" You begin to form a sentence but when you look around you notice a small figure forming from the shadows behind the bed frame.

"Hello y/n." Nan says.

"Hey Nan!" You smile at her and open your arms for a hug but she backs away.

"Not today" She says.

You are taken aback but you just ignore it.

"Why are you here?" You ask, gulping, "Why did you put me here?"

"As it turns out," She says casually, "Hell is nice buttt those no good witches have to die!"

"Which ones?" You question. You didn't particularly want to kill anyone.

"Fiona and Marie." She says.

The demon that had been sitting quietly on the other side of the room stood up and shook his head.

"Nuh-uh, my child," He says to Nan, "Marie cannot die"

"Why?" She spits at him.

"Because she and I have a bond."

"What bond?" You ask curiously.

"She has immortality as long as she can give me an innocent soul every year." Papa Legba begins.

"But you promise I had one wish! Anything I wanted!" Nan grumbles.

"I was expecting something like a pony or something" The demon says shrugging.

Nan storms off and disappears into thin air. This would've shocked you if you weren't part of this coven but things like this happen often here.

It left you alone with the demon.

"Y/n" He says, smiling maliciously, "Now that you have realised who you are. You have to be careful."

"What do you mean-" You ask but he had disappeared.

So had the bricks on the wall.

Why did no one give a single straight answer to any of your questions here?

You shake off the feeling that someone was watching you and stride to the door. It was strange that the room looked different. You paused and looked around, to your shock, someone had carved protective symbols into the wall. It could've been to protect you or even contain you.

You didn't think much of it as you pushed the door open with your mind.

You smiled and hummed as you walked down the stairs. Everything upstairs felt quiet but down here it was almost as if you could feel the energy and hear their blood pumping around their bodies.

"Hey guys!" You say smiling confidently.

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