Tempus Infinituum

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"Tempus Infinituum has been considered a myth for quite a while since no one has been reported of having this ability." Myrtle states.

'It seems we will find out' You think.

Everyone was waiting around the bathtub, you are meant to sink yourself into the bathtub, clutching the item from the supposed time period and suddenly, you will have traveled time.

Truthfully, you hadn't practiced this one so you were more than nervous. Especially since no one had ever done it before.

You take deep breaths in and out as Maddison comes rushing in with the item.

It was a small piece of leather, it looked like part of a jacket.

"That doesn't look like the Romanov family heirloom." You say but don't object as you clutch the piece of fabric.

"It was what I found in the box" Maddison says innocently before adding, "Leather was quite valuable in those days, they would've killed over it"

You look over to Cordelia and Myrtle but they were more worried about the protection ruins they had to carve to make sure you didn't explode or something. They were too busy to care if she was telling the truth.

You come to a conclusion that Maddison was lying but you weren't thinking about that. You were more focused on not dying in the bathtub.  You got that odd feeling that something was up but it probably was just your nerves because basically any other witch who had attempted this had died.

Cordelia and Myrtle had created a well thought out plan where you had to travel back to 1918 where the Romanov family were killed. The oldest girl, whom was a witch, was kidnapped and her family were threatened to be executed, she tried to cast a protective spell on her family but it didn't work. Your task was to help this girl with her protection spell and save their lives.

It was scary and risky but you had to do it to become the supreme of all supremes so it was worth it. You took more deep breaths so you wouldn't hyperventilate too much when you sat in the cold water.

You climbed into the tub and grasped the leather as if it were your life source. You just assumed it was part of their coats or something, leather would've kept the Romanov's warm in the winter of 1918.

The water was icy but it was probably meant to be as you submerged yourself in it. You got instant brain freeze but managed to utter the words 'tempus infinituum' before the bathtub began bubbling with this strange black liquid. You panicked for a moment but then just let the current take you. Before you knew it, you were sent back in time.

(Authors note: this crossover is going to be awesome, you are not going to expect it! I'm so excited!!!)

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