Chaos Part 2

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Your heart skipped a beat as Dandy shoved John onto the wall.

His chef's knife lingering at the other mans throat, itching to press one more inch forward and let the blood spill everywhere.

"Go on," John Wayne Gacy says, raising his palms in the air like a lunatic, "Kill me. It's not the worst thing I've experienced."

Dandy pressed that knife deeper into the mans skin and blood began to squirt everywhere, covering Dandy's face with little red speckles.

"Fine." Dandy says, releasing the pressure that the knife had on the body and letting it slump to the floor with a mind numbing thud.

"Hey! He was my friend!" Aileen says, of course she'd be the first to pipe up.

"Do I have to kill you too?" Dandy asks, his bloodlust had began to kick in.

"Seems so, chap." Aileen says with cold eyes and a smirk.

Dandy lunges at her with the knife, missing her neck by millimetres and leaving a lit on her right cheek.

She lifted her hand up to her face, rubbing it in the open wound, allowing the blood to smudge all over her mucky face.

You were still watching with keen interest but once you'd snapped yourself out of the trance, you knew what you had to do.

Not taking your eyes off the fight between Aileen and Dandy, you made yourself invisible.

You then wove through the ghostly apparitions of these serial killers and finally escaped the room.

Once you had slammed the door behind you, hopefully undetected, you realised that you were actually very tired.

Muffled screams were just audible from outside the room and even though you could barely hear them, you knew what had happened.

Aileen had just been killed and now Richard Ramirez and Ted Bundy were attacking Dandy.

It wasn't the nicest of things to hear.

Still, at least you weren't seeing them.

You speed-walk away from the room but your pace quickly escalates into a jog which then turns into a run and before you know it your sprinting down corridors, praying to find number 62.

Your eyes barely process the numbers written on the doors but you eventually find Misty's room.

"Misty?" You ask, pretty much yelling.

You search for her all around her hotel room but she wasn't there.

You curse multiple times and start ripping off the bedsheets and tearing apart the sofa cushions in anger.

That was when you noticed the note that had fluttered out from one of the pillowcases.

It was a small envelope that looked like it hadn't been there for long at all.

You opened it, more curious than cautious, and read the letter aloud.

If you really want her that bad, come to the penthouse

Countess x

Who the hell was the Countess?

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