Dead Frogs

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Everyone was entranced by the sudden disappearance of Misty Day.

Not you.

You took this opportunity to do the completely unheard of. You clearly weren't thinking right.

You lay on the floor beside Misty's ashes and began yelling the incantation. Picturing Misty as you did so.

"Y/n! No!" Myrtle shouts when she realises what you are doing but you were too far gone for it to stop now.

That sinking feeling came over you and then suddenly you were falling. You felt that you were falling for less time but that might've just been that you were used to that feeling.

You landed in a class chair. It was like middle school or something. A science class. There were scalpels laid out on the table before you. So was a dead frog.

"Misty?" You ask, you were definitely worried that you'd ended up someplace else that isn't Misty's hell.

You could feel the death inside the room but you could feel death inside any science room.

You stand up on your chair and search the classroom for Misty. A swamp witch wouldn't be hard to miss.

Instead of a swamp witch, you notice a man dressed in black. He had blonde hair.

You blink and he suddenly disappeared, maybe you were insane, you doubted it. You couldn't help but think that isn't wasn't just your imagination playing tricks on you.

In the strange mans disappearance, you noticed Misty sitting in a chair crying.

"She's done it again!" A boy yells, pointing at Misty.

All you can do is watch as the teacher comes striding over and forces the poor girl to cut the frog.

"Nooo!" She cries as it bleeds to death. She then wiped away her tears and focused on bringing it back to life.

"She's done it again" The boy pointed at her.

That was when Misty locked eyes with you. You had to help.

You reached your arm out and Misty grabbed it.

Then you got that urge to jump.

"Hold on tight, Misty!" You whisper, concentrating on the jump back.

Suddenly, you both raised from the air and out of the classroom and in no time you were back in the safety of Miss Robichaux Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies.

Misty sat up and pulled you into a tight hug. Then she walks over to Cordelia and holds her as if she were the only thing keeping her from death.

Maddison rolled her eyes before smiling at you.

"Always the hero, y/n." Maddison says, you couldn't tell if it was sarcasm or not but either way you smiled.

Zoe came and gave you a hug and laughed.

"That was seriously brave." She says.

"I mean, so was you facing those Zombies on Halloween." You say, too many compliments just made you nervous.

Truthfully you felt quite tired so you moved yourself to the sofa and lay there. Just watching everyone smiling at each other because of you was very therapeutic.

It turned out Misty wasn't going to be dead forever.

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