Salem Witch Trails Part 2

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"Now where were we..."

"Supreme of Salem." Mallory answers, tilting her head.

"Oh, yes." You give the girls a mischievous grin, "Let me take you back, to October 1692."

"Wait, wha-" One of the girls began to speak but it was too late. You had already got into their minds and were putting an illusion in front of them.

It felt like your very own reality.

You had put the girls in the centre of an opening in a dark forest, only lit by the flaming torches the girls and you were carrying. You shine your torch on the stake had been placed there, clearly for burning witches.

"Now, executing a witch is commonly thought of being burnt-"

"What is this?" A girl yells, she looked afraid.

"It's an illusion, almost like a memory. I'm in your heads." You flash them a devilish grin which made pretty much all of them back away. Except Mallory.

"As I was saying, not all witches get burnt. Some had the chair..." You switch the stake and change it to a wooden chair with restrains on it. "They would throw the woman into the water and if she floated, she was a witch and had to be killed. If she sank she wasn't a witch but was pretty much dead anyways." You sigh, "Count yourselves lucky we are living in 2014 right now."

You quickly change the scenery and are back in the classroom. The girls in their seats and you beside the blackboard.

"Can we learn to do that?" The small ratty girl asked.

"In time." You give her a smile that meant 'you-have-to-try-harder'. That made her mad and she threw a book at you with her mind.

You caught it obviously.

"What is your name?"


"Okay Jane, you aren't going to get anywhere by throwing books."

The whole class began to snicker and you just gave her that same grin. 'I-told-you-so'

"When was the first witch ever alive?" One of the girls who hadn't spoken yet asked. It wasn't the subject but it was your ancestry so you decided to answer her random question.

"The first witch's existence was first recorded in the early 1500s when the Brits moved to America. Have you ever heard of the Colony of Roanoke?" You say in a story tellers voice, "The witch (Scàthach) had enough of their drinking and partying so she carved a simple word into the tree." You pause for effect and look around to see all the girls listening and looking intently, "Croatoan."

"Croatoan?"  Mallory asked, "Isn't that a word that banished spirits?"

"Yeah, she created it. Banishing their bodies and souls."

"And that's your 100th ancestor?" Jane asked.

"Uhuh." You nod and notice the class was quiet, "I'm going to end the class there. Okay?"

The girls quickly filed out and you smiled to yourself. You had definitely taught them something.

"Y/n!" It was Queenie.

That Witch Bitchحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن