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"Fine." Cordelia sighs, letting a small smile slip in, "I'll do it."

You smile proudly at her. It was strange how even though you weren't officially the omnipotent one yet, everyone treated you like you were. It just made you feel like you were respected. It made a change from how you were treated at your old school.

You follow them out of the basement and into the room where you all were previously doing the wonders to see Maddison sitting on the chair in the sitting room.

"Huh? Come to mix up the competition."  She smiles and stands up holding her hips in attempt to look confident, "Fine."

Everyone crowded around Cordelia who had now completed telekinesis and concellium. She was now lying on the floor for desencum. She was doing these way quicker than the others could.

You had that deja-vu feeling as she continued to ace all the wonders until she was at the same point as you and Maddison.

Time for pyrokenisis.

You were very good at this and decided it would be funny to light Maddison's hair again.

"Y/N! YOU LITTLE SHIT!" She screams but you just extract the water molecules from the air and put the fire out. This was way too easy and way too much fun.

Maddison was now drenched.

"Urghhh." She groans, sitting down with her wet hair dangling around her head.

Maybe you were being a bit evil.

You dried her hair with your powers which caused Myrtle to smile. "I think we've nailed hydrokenisis, don't you?" She adds. You just grin.

Cordelia lights the fireplace and Maddison lights that candles in the corner. Everyone had passed it with ease.

"Congratulations, time for divination. The final wonder for two of you." Myrtle says.

"Erm, I hate to be rude but we haven't actually done Vitum Vitalis." You add.

"Oh yes, I'm so sorry." Myrtle says.

Maddison rolls her eyes, smacks a fly and displays its lifeless body. And then simply brings it back to life.

"Good enough for you bitch?" Maddison asks, letting the fly escape through the open window.

Cordelia grabs the fly with her mind and brings it back to kill it again. You were surprised she even knew it was there with her being blind but it might've just been some magic so you ignore it.

She brings it to life and smiles.

"Okay, I'd say that's done!" Myrtle sighs.

"Isn't it divination next?" You ask.

"Yes, it seems so" Myrtle says.

"I still don't think this is fair" Maddison states, she was fidgeting, maybe she wasn't good at divination.

Luckily, by the look on Myrtles face, you knew Cordelia was.

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