Bitchy Neighbours

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The Halloween festivities here were less than you'd originally thought. Maybe halloween as a witch was the same as halloween as a normal person. Hanging up decorations and feeding the occasional trick or treaters that came to the door.

You and Maddison were on sweet duty whilst the maid made Queenie another sandwich.

"Urgh, these spoilt little kids running around like no one cares, it's not like they just got rejected like what the fuck. " Maddison says rolling her eyes as she sat by the door.

Something told you that she wasn't talking about the kids.

"Someone's bitter. What's up?" You say as nicely as you can be to Maddison since she was not in the mood to be a joke.

"Not like you'd care."

You wait a minute. Maybe you should try another way.

"You're right, I don't care. I'm just as bored as you are right now."

Maddison turns to face you, setting down the bowl of sweets she had in her hands.

"The neighbours are bitchy."

"Well no shit" You say laughing. You saw them come in this morning and the old woman ordering the men to lift the boxes looked evil.

She came inside the house to offer Fiona a bible earlier but you didn't care much about that. You just wondered what Maddison could've done to piss them off. It was clearly to Fiona's interest since they were out in town for quite a while. It seemed Maddison had got into a fight and came back earlier because she had a black eye.

You whip your head around to see Nan skipping towards you happily.

"Have you seen Zoe?" She asks.

Zoe told you earlier that she was going out to see Kyle and sort him out at his mum's house.

"Err yeah," You lie, "She's gone shopping now"

You look around for ideas.

"She's gone to get more sweets" You point to the bowl of sweets that was full.

Shit shit shit.

You forgot that Nan could hear your thoughts.

You had to focus your head and make it as empty as possible. Maybe imagine Zoe in a shop with sweets. You tried to think of anything but Zoe and Kyle.

Nan just stared at you.


"You're trying to hide something from me." She says, slightly tilting her head. "I don't like it"

You silently sigh in relief and just smile. Maddison could tell it was fake since she was an actor but Nan clearly didn't. Nan smiled back at you and skipped away.

"Why is she so happy?" You ask Maddison.

Maddison just looks away. You decide that was the time to get up and leave the sweet-giving-out to her.

You were about to leave by yourself when the maid walks to you both and takes the sweets from the floor.

"I can handle it from here girls" She says with an attempt to smile.

You walk to the kitchen where the back door is. You open it quietly and exit the building. You sit on the ground outside the house and lay there breathing in the fresh air. It made a difference from the smoky air around Maddison.

You plug in your headphones, playing your favourite music.

But halfway through the song you were interrupted.

It was Zoe.

She looked worried.

(By the way, Maddison might not die in this so if you want her to or if you want her to not die just let me know and I'll write it like that thanks)

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