Ouija Board

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The air didn't feel so still anymore as you carefully sat beside the others.

The ouija board was on the floor and you were all sat around it, curious.

It was Zoe who seemed perfectly entranced by it. She stared at the wooden board, pouring over the golden letters painted over it.

"Woah" You say. Even before you found out you were a witch, the supernatural inspired you and you had used a ouija board before but this one looked like the real deal.

"So are we going to 'summon' Maddison or something?" Queenie asks, the look on her face told you all that she wasn't that enthusiastic about the spiritual communication.

"Yeah, or at least ask another spirit where her body was" Zoe says before stopping and looking around like she'd lost something, "I've just got to find the planchette."

Zoe got up and brushed the dust off her. She quickly walked out the room leaving you all in silence again.

It was then you realised that this mightn't be the best idea since this room was the spare room and the one that you dreamt you saw that demon thing in. The real question was, was it even a dream?

"I don't like this" Queenie says, she was definitely nervous.

"Neither do I" You say, agreeing with her for a split moment before you said, more surely than ever. "But if there is even the slightest chance to find Maddison with it, I'm going to do it. And this is it. I'm not backing out now"

The others stare at you blankly before eventually coming to realise that you were right .

"Good inspirational speech, y-" Nan begins until Zoe strides into the room with a glass cup, interrupting her.

"This will have to do." Zoe says, shoving it onto the board.

"What do we even do?" Queenie asks, her nervousness was becoming more and more obvious.

"Err I'm not actually sure" Zoe says, scratching her neck.

"I know, I've done this before. It never worked though" You say, taking charge.

"Everyone place two fingers on the planchette, well errr glass, and then just ask questions" You continue.

"Okay, cool" Nan says.

"I don't want to be waking up some godamn demon hell thing" You hear Queenie's thoughts louder than ever. Nan had heard them too.

"Queenie, it's gonna be alright." Nan reassures her.

Zoe just looked confused as Queenie blushed for the first time you'd ever seen.

"Is anyone there? If you are, move the planchette to 'yes" You ask in a crystal clear voice.

You all sit there awaiting before the planchette jerked quickly to 'yes'.

"Holy crap, if one of yall is doing this, it's not funny" Queenie tries to keep the anxiety from her tone but fails drastically.

"Who are you?" Zoe asked, she was getting the hang of this.

The planchette moved across the board, and landing on letters.







Axeman? What the hell was he?

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