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You go on to inform the others how the antichrist will never exactly die, his soul will pass on to another unsuspecting child and then the witches would have to face the same problem again.

"So we can't just Tempus Infinitum?" Mallory asks, she was both relieved and disappointed.

"Nope." You say surely.

"Okay, how are we going to do this?" Mallory asks.

You shrug and turn to Cordelia.

"It's a long shot but I think it'll work." Cordelia says seriously.

"What?" You ask, confused.

"Yeah what she said." Coco adds unnecessary.

"Micheal will know if you guys have power and will find a way to kill you." Cordelia endeavours.

You, Maddison, Coco and Mallory listen intently to her plan.

"We are going to have to put your souls under an identity spell."

"What?!" You remark, you didn't want to have a complete personality change.

"Who exactly?" Coco pries.

Cordelia's face hardened, "You, Mallory and.. Y/n."

"But Micheal already knows who I am, a different personality is not going to help." You add.

"You are going to have a completely different look, name and family." Cordelia says.

"What about me and Coco?" Mallory asks.

Her and Coco seemed to be friends.

"Yeah, can we just be ourselves?" Coco questions.

"I've already sorted your personalities." Cordelia says before telling the three of you.

It made sense that your personalities would be made from some of the other witches because you'd need one of their DNA strands to make it work.

In spells, it was usually a hair from someone's head.

Coco's personality was going to be modelled on Maddison's which meant that Coco was now going to be more bitchy than she already was which wasn't great.

This idea also earned an annoyed remark from Maddison but everyone just ignored it.

Mallory's was going to be a mixture of Cordelia and Myrtle, even though Myrtle wasn't here, Cordelia had one of her old scarfs with her at all times, there was bound to be her hair somewhere on there!

And yours wasn't so pretty, it was based on Fiona Goode.

Badass but not anything like you.

Hearing your new personality made your stomach drop into a pit of darkness, you didn't like the idea at all.

"Can't I just kill him?" You ask, fiddling with your hands impatiently.

Cordelia shook her head and continued telling the others her plan.

"Wait, what happens to me?" Maddison questions loudly.

"You and me will be buried until Mallory, Y/n, or Coco's powers awaken." Cordelia informs her calmly.

"When exactly will that be?" Maddison asks, she sounded more pissed than you.

"They're powers will awaken when they get pushed to an extreme or just naturally when they are around someone that threatens them."

"Micheal." You interrupt Cordelia midway.

"Exactly," Cordelia continues, "There isn't an obvious way to figure it out."

Coco sighs, "This is going to suck."

You nod at her empathetically.

"Let's get on with it." Mallory says, confidence peaking.

Of course she didn't mind, she hadn't been sentenced over year impersonating a bitch.

I love writing fanfics! It makes you feel like a famous author, it's awesome. I'm probably going to write an outpost 3 fanfic but on a completely different book since this book only has space for about only fifty chapters left but you'll be able to find it on my profile when I publish it. (I'll let u know when."

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