Human Weight Watcher

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You stride out the room. Slightly shaken up by the idea that you couldn't bring them back to life. They would be gone forever.

You repeatedly tell yourself that it's just like actually killing someone when you aren't a witch. But the thought that you might accidentally throw a knife or something at someone who annoyed you was utterly terrifying.

"Where is Zoe?" You ask Maddison who was the only one left in the kitchen when you returned.

"She ran away with Kyle" She says grumpily. Not taking her eyes away from the donuts she was digging into.

You almost feel like laughing, "Are you emotional eating?"

"What the hell is that?"

"When you eat when you're sad."

"No! I am not sad" She slurs.

She totally was sad. She still liked Kyle. You kind of felt bad for her but you didn't because she was being a bitch about it.

"Those 1242 calories aren't going to help anything-" You pause. "Holy crap, how did i know that?"

"Don't know, I guess you are just a human weight-watchers."

You take a step back and bump into Myrtle who was standing behind you.

"Odd." She says vaguely.

"What's odd?" You ask, spinning yourself around and looking up at her.

"I've never known someone to inhabit that power before." She mutters before looking down at you. "Perhaps you extract your powers from the future as well."

"Erm okay cool." You say grabbing a piece of fruit and walking away. You didn't need any more pressure on you than you already had. Still, you appreciated the others honesty.

As you walked up the stairs, into your room and flopped onto the bed, you couldn't stop thinking of what Nan asked for. Why would she want Marie and Fiona killed? What had they done? More importantly, what was that mouse trap thingy.

You contemplate walking downstairs and spying on them for a brief moment. You decide to let it be but your curiosity was peaked now and there was no turning back.

You made yourself invisible and levitated yourself across the house. You had lived here a while but you still had no idea where the creaky floorboards where and now that Fiona knew of your powers, she would be more suspicious of you creeping around.

You waited patiently outside the room just waiting for the door to open.

Soon enough it did. You were willing it to open in your mind so you weren't sure whether you had accidentally done it or not.

It seemed not as Fiona strode out, pulling on a black coat. Marie followed and so did you as they walked to the front door.

They put heels on and continued to walk across the driveway to a black car where a man with an axe was waiting for them with the car door open.

You had to admit, Fiona and Marie were a power duo.

"To the Delphi Trust Corp." Fiona orders the man and he walks to the front of the car, gets in and then presses the gas pedal.

As the car disappears into the horizon, you couldn't help but notice how familiar the man with the axe seemed. He was a man with an axe. An axeman. An axeman?

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