After going back downstairs, I saw that Raphael had finally changed, looking decent in his suit while he ate some breakfast made by the maid. I also joined him and drank some coffee.

"Don't you think it's crazy, the Russian mafia?" Raphael spoke up. "Certainly crazy. What are they, five brothers?" I replied. After my parents, more so my dad, destroyed the Russian mafia, it made way for a new family to take over and control Russia. "Yes and they are as equally bad as each other. I've not heard a good word about them." He said and took a sip of his water.

"For now, we are on good terms and I don't want to compromise that. Because I may be able to take on one brother but not all five." I said as I thought about it. There was no need for blood to be spilled unless it was absolutely necessary.

"Let's go." I stood up and headed for the door. Sergio entered the same car as me, with other guards taking a separate SUV. Shortly, Raphael also entered the car. "Can you keep your legs to yourself?" I growled as I kicked his legs away from me.

"Fuck off". He grinned as he relaxed back into the seat, beside Sergio. I sat opposite them and sighed. How fucking annoying can one possibly be?

I nodded my head at Sergio and he tapped the divider separating the driver and us in the car. We began to drive off and I rubbed my forehead. Raphael was silent on his phone, no doubt chatting up girls. "One week." I stated. He looked up at me and furrowed his brows.

"One week of abstinence. One million." I smirked as I watched him carefully. "Deal." He held out his hand for me to shake. He didn't even hesitate. "I held up my hand and counted on my fingers. "That means no kissing, no sex and no fooling around. Do you understand?" I grinned. He couldn't do it. No fucking way. He squinted his eyes and breathed out a breath. "Deal." He said once again.

I chuckled and shook his hand. "Easy money." I grinned. "You fucking idiot. You know I don't say no." He grumbled as he turned his phone off and tucked it away into the pocket of his suit jacket. I just fucking loved pissing him off and surely he deserved a little life lesson.

Glancing out of the window, I saw a man had cornered a woman in an alley who seemed to be in distress. "Stop the car." I ordered. Sergio knocked on the divider once more and the car stopped. Raphael looked at me like I was insane but that's pretty much normal.

I stepped out from the car, the warm sun hitting me and I walked straight for the man. There's nothing worse than men who beat on women. It's entirely pathetic. It just shows what a lack of character a man has.

The man had his hand raised high, poised to hit the woman, who was crying and screaming in a panic. No one stopped to help. Everyone just minded their own business. It was Italy after all and we were in the most poverty stricken area.

"Let her go." I spoke calmly, grabbing the attention of the man. He was broad shouldered, short and looked very sweaty. What a disgusting bastard. A shower wouldn't go amiss.

The man chuckled deeply as he turned his attention to me. He let go of the woman and she quickly ran away. "Tieni il naso fuori dai miei affari, ragazzo ricco (Keep your nose out of my business rich boy)" He chuckled. "Questi sono affari miei. Non sai chi sono io? (This is my business. Do you not know who I am?)" I spoke with a brow raised.

"Non mi interessa, cazzo (I don't fucking care." He growled and went in to punch me. I grabbed ahold of his fist tightly and looked into his mud brown eyes. "Dovresti preoccuparti. Potrei ucciderti adesso e nessuno battere ciglio (You should care. I could kill you right now and no one would bat an eye)" I growled and pushed him back.

Instead of backing down the man pulled out a small pocket knife, standing in a menacing position. "Ti consiglio caldamente di allontanarti dalla mia fottuta vista (I strongly suggest you get out of my fucking sight)" I said lowly as I held my ground. The man grinned manically and was about to take a step towards me but Raphael startled him.

"È il re della mafia, Vicenzo. Vaffanculo adesso. (He's the Mafia king, Vicenzo. Fuck off right now)" Raphael growled with his gun pointed at the man. His aim was very steady as he teased the trigger with a finger. The mans eyes went wide with fear and he dropped his knife. It clattered on the floor and the he took a few steps back. "Oh fu ... non lo sapevo ... per favore. (Oh fu..I didn't know..please)" He pleaded with a sorrowful look.

I turned around and looked at Raphael. He put his gun back into his belt and walked back to the car as did I. I didn't kill everyone I met, after all people can surely change and if they didn't, I'd deal with them soon enough.

We eventually headed to the meeting later than intended but I did not care. They could fucking wait. The building was tall and new. It was covered in hundreds of glass windows, quite striking from afar. We used the lift to go to the top floor.

Raphael entered the meeting room before me and I followed him. The chatter of men's voices quickly quietened upon seeing me. I walked around the long rectangular room and took a seat at the top end. Raphael took his seat and I pulled out a cigarette.

I nodded my head and the men began to talk about the business. How it was going, the illegal activities and concerns. I listened intently to them all as I smoked, paying more attention to what was going on outside the windows. The clouds did look very interesting.

"You fucking little shits, can't keep the fentanyl going? How hard is it to get it from point A to point B? I could do it with my eyes closed." Raphael growled as he looked across at the men. Ah yes the drug trade, it was a complicated affair but exactly how hard was it.

"Are you telling me business is not going smoothly?" I said firmly, silencing everyone once more. The men all turned to face me but their eyes did not remain on me long. Many of them were much older than me but still feared me the same.

"No no not at all. Forgive me. I will personally sort it out." An older man mumbled as he rubbed his thick moustache.

"Yes you will...I will be leaving soon for a while and I do not want to come back to a mess." I put my cigarette out onto the crystal ashtray in front of me.

"Yes boss." The man nodded. The meeting finally concluded after another hour of boring drivel.

How are you all finding reading this is in a males pov?
I thought I would find it harder to write but it's not that bad.
How much more do you adore Vicenzo now?
And Raphael!?!
And Sergio? 😏

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