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9 days layer
I hated, I had to leave the babies in the NICU for another week, but I was here all day with them and today was my first day actually leaving my babies and going home to check on my big babies.

The pregnancy was hard because I was for one ,high risk and two I was going through it with this nigga for no reason , so me being early just wasn't a surprise.  I did call him to come be with me during birth but he ain't answer after 20 miss calls, so I called our oldest and he of course had a bitch over so I just blocked him and put a code on my name so nobody couldn't come see us for the first three days.

I was mentally hurt but that nigga ain't care so why should I play and care about him?

Arriving home with Queen, bitch , why is he here? I asked her as I looked at his truck.
Umm I don't know daddy here to, she said pointing to my dads car.
Ugh hopefully he's removing his shit, I said getting out the car. I was still sore , shit I was just cut open 9 days ago.

Walking into the house it smelt like paint and weed.
Hearing rap music playing loudly, the whole house looked like it had been painted , shit the floors was nice and shiny like they have been waxed.

Looking at my sister she looked clueless but then again she was a liar and all for him ,so I don't know about her.

Walking the hall , the curtains wasn't up, the furniture was covered in plastic, all my pictures and decorations are down. Walking in the kitchen , a shirtless Quentin , Ryan, Jose and my dad stood in front each other smoking blunts.

What's going on here? I asked makin them all look up at me.
Damn what's up babygirl? My dad smile coming towards me, kissing my cheeks, he was sweaty . Hey daddy I said as he looked at me.
What y'all doing here? I said as Ryan just pulled from the blunt. Getting your house together , my dad said as Ryan just walked off.

Umm where my kids? I asked walking behind him, I was finna pop his bitch ass.

Kay stopppp my daddy ,yelled as I pushed Ryan .

Bitch as nigga you thought I was gonna let you fly? Nigga you really was fucking while I was giving birth?? I yelled all in his face.

Just looking down at me he couldn't say shit as my dad stood on the side of me.
It's over, no more Ryan and Kaysee nigga I'm dead to you and you was never born to me, I meanly said as the tears exit my eyes.

You giving out dick to bitches while I'm being cut open , giving birth to your motherfucking kids, I yelled as he just walked off.

You can't be doing all that, you just had twins and your cut open, Quentin said rubbing my back as I cried.

That shit is so hurtful how the fuck your wife laying up their giving birth to your fucking kids and you fucking the next bitch? I cried as I hear him hitting something.

I didn't care how mad he was , I ain't want his bitch ass back, he was wrong 😑 and we was done
6 month later
What's up daddy babies I cooed as I picked my babies up from Quentin and Mrs. Magic house.

Shit it's been 6 crazy , depressing, not so good months.
Kaysee wasn't playing with me at all, I wasn't allowed to say anything to this girl , I mean I still said shit to her but she blocked me, she ignored me, she called the police on me, she wasn't playing with ah nigga at all.

She didn't block me from seeing my kids tho, I was with them for the most part everyday, the oldest 3 was really busy doing projects and playing hell of sports, they ain't have time to deal with me but they did when they had time.

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