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Can you please tell Quentin to stop hitting me? My sister in law Renee cried(I think this the name I gave her in the first book)

What happened oh my goodness, I cried as she stood in front of my door with a shirt covered in blood.
He came home drunk and just started beating on me. He pulled me out the bed and basically beat my ass , Renee cried as I embraced her in a hug and Adria covered her mouth.

I had a feeling Quentin was beating up on her and that's how they miscarriage their first child but she would never tell nobody, momma asked, daddy asked and of course we asked but she would not say nothing.
As I'm helping her in the house , guess who's speeding in my drive way? Right Quentin.

Go upstairs in the guest room and lock the door, I told her as I make Adira go with her .
Grabbing my metal bag I wanted this big sorry ass nigga to come at me.

Man mind your fucking business , Quentin yelled coming at me full force as Aadrya walk outside with me with a 2 by 4 .

Man hoe ass nigga if you don't get from in front of my door I'll kill you, I warned holding the back in a batter position .
Renee bring your bitch ass out of there he said and I swung.

Hitting him in his arm I knew I had to keep swinging so I did and my Drya did to.
As we are hitting him of course he's trying to stop us by grabbing the 2 by 4 from Aadrya .
Hitting him as he charge her I hit him across the back which made him drop to his knees.

Pepper spraying him out of no where ,Queen as was in my pool so I don't know how she heard or knew what was going on but bitch I'm happy she came.
Running in the house together we knew we had to lock him out because once he's mad it's over.

Making The kids get out the pool, I locked the side and back doors
Ryan was gone so it was just my sisters and the kids here.

23 mins later
Watching my daddy jump out his truck, my momma arrived first and was helping Quentin but once she seen Renee's face it was over for him.

Closing my eyes my daddy and uncle Sosa was all in his face.
Pop pop is all you heard as daddy dropped my brother.
I didn't see what happen I just know I hear Queen say you ain't gonna try my daddy then he got dropped.

Ryan POV
Pulling up in my drive way , cars everywhere. Stupid ass Kaysee didn't call me and tell me nothing my oldest did and I was pissed.

Getting out my Lexus , I looked at Lil Q face.
What the fuck? I had just left this nigga like 3 hours ago what the hell happened and why was he here?

What's up? I asked him as he just looked pissed .
Shit ,he a pussy Big Quentin say walking up on me with his piece.
You knew he was beating Renee? He asked me .
Nah I quickly said because I wasn't trying to get in bro shit.
Shit I got to much going on in my own relationship to be in theirs .

Rolling her eyes at me Kaysee phat booty ass had me crazy.
I haven't cheated since the shit years ago but she swear I'm cheating everyday.
Did that bitch fuck you good ? She smartly asked me as I walked pass her.

Not paying her no mind I just walked in the house.
Speaking to her moms and Renee, I felt bad but what could I do?

Quentin and I was very close now, like he was my best friend and I knew the darkness side because I had to pull him off her a few times but he told me he chilled , I guess not.

Checking on my kids they laid across our bed. Come on y'all time for bed, it's 9:45, I said looking at them .

Hugging me the kids loved me , shit I wish she loved me still.

1 hour later
What do I have to do to make you love me again? I asked her as I sat in front of her in the room.
I had to fight her for her to listen or talk to me.

Stop fucking lying so much, stop being a hoe , she yelled as I looked at her crazy.

I'm not cheating , I haven't cheated and I'm not lying I said as I looked at her beautiful face.

See I can't talk to you, you are lying and you cheat, I'm not stupid , move out, get your own place , let me see if I miss you, she meanly said standing , throwing her wedding rings at me, she walked from me into the bathroom.
I was sick of hearing that, so I'm finna move out, and I ain't coming back .

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