Aint nothing sweet

117 17 1

Day 2 :San Juan, PR

Sleeping in the free room , I was pissed .
Like yeah I did the paperwork but I didn't fill shit out.
I was taking a shower ,when I got out she had filled them out and left them on the bed next to my suitcase.
I didn't say anything I just got dress and went downstairs.
She came downstairs after Queen went and got her with straight attitude.
I kissed her and made her come outside with me. We get outside she flips and tell me I was a bitch for even printing the paperwork.
She flips we fight , I elbowed her by mistake and shit just went left .

No I didn't want to divorce her but the last few months had me wondering if it was even worth it.
We had 7 kids in total, I was in love with her , I know I fucked up , I know I fucked up when Kama exposed me so I took that .
I didn't think I did any wrong with messing with all them females during our separation but I get .

Walking down the stairs , I checked the room for her and she wasn't in there. I know she ain't leave because all her stuff was neatly put up like I left it yesterday.

Looking at her as she sat to the table with a maxi dress that was loose but also fit her body nicely and some clear flip flops that I'm pretty sure she spend some money on just because that's what she did, she brought nothing but expensive shit.

Her natural was in a ponytail, I know last night after we fought she was taking it out because I undid the ponytail during the fight. (Her hair was braided into a ponytail)
But I liked the loose hair anyways, it was so sexy to me, it was longer then average and really pretty, I hated the weave , it was a wasted .

Morning , I said as I looked at her.
Morning she dryly said not even looking at me.
What's up bruh? TJ said dapping me as Quentin and Jose did the same.
Everyone was fixing food and chatting . She was sitting by herself but was talking to her sister who was to the table next to her, who was sitting next to Jose.

Hey bruh, Queen cooed standing to hug me, what's good sis? I replied back. She came to the room last night and smoked with Jose and Quentin, she told me how she felt and it was the truth, I did fuck up.

Hugging Renee and Christie, the twins wasn't down yet.
Their lil crazy ass was here with these two
Squares name Gino and Lloyd. They was very good dudes who had opened a smoke shop downtown ATL.
Very cool but they're getting played by the two players. It was funny but I just hope they didn't play the dudes to bad because their really cool cats.

Sitting next to her, I kissed her forehead.
This was my baby and I'm sorry I hurt her.
We been through a lot, marriaging 4 baby's , her birthing five for me and giving me a bonus baby , then taking in my baby so she was great , but we all know we been fight from the jump but I loved her so much. She was my dream girl and I ain't want to just leave her.

Eating breakfast, I could feel the energy she was giving off.
She wasn't pushing me away but I could tell I hurt her last night.

So what's the plans ? Queen asked everyone as Kaysee grabbed both of our plates .
Umm let go Snorkeling, Renee said as she stood next to Quentin.
Yeahhhhh Queen said dancing.

Can we talk? I asked as I looked down at her as she place the dishes in the dish washer.
Yes she said biting her lip .

Grabbing two waters , I followed her outside .
Sitting next to the pool that literally connected to the ocean, it was very beautiful. ( of course it's a wall that blocks )

I'm sorry about last night, I automatically said as she just looked at me

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I'm sorry about last night, I automatically said as she just looked at me. I don't want a divorce I honestly just didn't know how the trip would turn out being we only argue the last few months and I was not thinking clear the day we left because we had just fought that night.
I'm sorry like I know I fucked up and I know I did a lot of bullshit over the pass years but I am really sorry and I really want to make us work.
Nobody don't want my damage as because I'm not going to treat nobody right . I know I treated you wrong when it came down to cheating but I always made sure I took care of home and I always made sure you was good regardless of anything, I said as she just looked at me.
Can we try to make this work? Can I have another try? I'll do anything to keep you , I'll do anything to make them 7 happy and I don't want to have them going back and forward like before, I said as she just looked at me .

When you got that tattoo why did you get it? She said pointing to the tattoos of her name on my neck and chest.
I got the really big one across my chest like a year of knowing her because I loved her. Then when we got married I got her name with flowers, hearts and the day we said our do's in the middle of my neck like literally covering my neck with it.

Because I love you , I said honestly. But you got this one, she said actually touching my chest.
Yes I got that one first, I said not sure where the conversation was going .

Umm okay, I mean we here for 8 more days , I'm pretty sure we both will know what we want to do before then, she meanly said as I looked at her.
I know what I want, I said as she stood up.

Hmm are you sure? She asked as I looked at her.
I'm positive I said placing my hand on her waist.

Umm okay we will see, she said walking from me.

3 hour later

We all agreeing to going to Flamenco Beach 🏖.
It was different activities to so everyone was happy.
Not saying anything else about the fight I just enjoyed myself.

Watching her come back from the beach with her sisters, Renee and Christie. The bathing suit looked damn good on her sexy skin.

Not warning me , she just sat on my lap . I loved it ,like I really did, I don't know the conversation she had with her girls but it was a good one.

Taking a picture of her ass on my lap , she knew I loved her body and I posted pictures everywhere.

So let's play a game, Queen suggest as everyone looked at her with two bottles in her hand.

Ohhh 😮 Kay said as she position herself on me comfortably. I knew she felt that grown man on her ass.

Truth or dare, Queen said making everyone laugh.

Cool we agreed as my food arrived. I order some Empanadillas for us to snack on and a few Pollo Guisado.

I'll go first Adria said as she stood up .
She was lit, the girl was crazy and it was weird seeing them older because they was just preteens when I met them .

Daring each other we had fun, it was really nice to have her sitting on me and even kissing me.

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