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Jake felt odd when he got home. Sunghoon decided to return home for the evening, promising to visit Jake the next day. Externally, one would say that Jake was just fine, but internally, he was really overthinking what had happened that day. Sunghoon had told him not to worry, but Jake couldn't get rid of the anxiety.

"And then he started bragging about me to his friends." Hyuna laughed with her mom while Jake and Mr Sim ate in silence. "He's honestly so cute, I don't know how I could end up with Jay."

"Dad," Jake suddenly piped up, his eyes landing on his father, "what if Mom had two soulmates, but she had met you first? What would you do?"

Mr Sim raised an eyebrow before humming in thought, crossing his arms. "Well… your mother and I met at quite a young age. If she had two soulmates, I'd make a stance. I'd show her that I was more worthy to be hers."

"I've never heard of double soulmates before," Hyuna hummed in thought, looking at her brother in confusion. "Did something happen, Jaeyoon?"

Jake was quiet, staring down at his food before heaving a heavy sigh. "I'm not hungry anymore."

"Oh," Mrs Sim muttered with a worried expression. "Well, then you're dismissed, Jakey."

Jake stood up from the table, taking his bowl to the kitchen and setting it beside the sink for his mother to deal with. His appetite was gone as he thought of Minseo. He couldn't get the image of Sunghoon and Minseo hugging one another out of his head. The thought made him slightly upset, even if Sunghoon said he'd definitely choose Jake. There was no guarantee that it'd be the case.

As if on cue, Jake's phone began ringing on his desk. He reached for it, seeing that Sunghoon was calling. He was hesitant to answer. But he pushed himself to answer and pressed the green button on the screen. "Hey."

"Hey. I miss you."

Jake smiled at that, his chest growing warmer immediately. "I miss you too, my ice prince. But why'd you suddenly call me?"

"I felt unsettled for a moment, and I thought something was wrong, so I had to check up on you. Did… did something happen?"

Jake bit his lips together, deciding to be honest with his boyfriend. "Uhm… I can't stop thinking about Minseo…"

"Jeez, Jake… really? It's over now, I can't even remember his warmth. You're the only one for me, my sweet Prince of Gangwon Province."

"I thought we weren't doing embarrassing nicknames."

"You're one to say that."

Jake giggled, falling down on his bed and putting his phone on speaker. "Anyways… I'm allowed to feel this way, right? A little insecure. I get it, you chose me, but… he's still, in some way, your soulmate. It's bad to say it like this, but… I hate it. W-why… why can't we just be together in happiness? The universe hates us — your parents, my sickness, your second soulmate… are we really meant to be?"

"Of course we're meant to be, silly," Sunghoon assured him immediately. "The universe put us together in the first place, so we must do our best to stay together."

"The universe sucks," Jake muttered, turning onto his stomach. "I'd hate it for us to be pulled apart in any way. I want to stay with you forever, you know. I've never felt this way about anyone but you, Sunghoon. I've never felt 'forever' before, but you…"

"Then let's stay together forever, Sim Jaeyoon. Let's write our own story for future soulmates to find and let them know how we love one another. Just like the two girls in the diary."

Jake could only smile. "Let's hope we end up together forever."

Sunoo was heaving heavily as he ran in the rain, his hair and jacket soaked right through. It was past 9 at night, but he had to see Niki. He had to. Something didn't feel right. His chest was cold and he felt terrible. He quickly told his mother that he was going to see Niki and ran off.

He soon arrived at the farm and left the gate slightly open as he ran to the front of the door. His breath was still heavy as he knocked on the door. He stood in silence until the door opened, revealing Jay. "H-hyung. Where's Niki?"

Jay stepped to the side, allowing the younger to step inside. "He's in his room. He's not feeling too well, so we're going to go to the hospital."

Sunoo widened his eyes, quickly taking his shoes and jacket off. "Why, why, why? What happened to him? Jay hyung, talk to me."

"He passed out during lunch but woke up and just took a nap, and then he refused to eat after waking up during supper. He had a fever, and threw up a few times," Jay replied, leading Sunoo up the stairs. "He's awake now, but he's getting dressed to go to the hospital."

"I want to see him," Sunoo said, walking into the  loft upstairs. He stopped in front Niki's bedroom door, his heart thumping harshly. "Niki, I'm coming in."


Sunoo opened the door, his heart slowing down when he saw Niki pulling on a padded jacket. His skin was pale but his cheeks were red. His eyes were droopy and tired. Sunoo gasped, quickly walking over to him. "Niki."

"Hyung." They quickly hugged each other, their arms wrapping each other warmly. "Ah, I thought you wouldn't come."

"Well… I heard you calling, so I had to see you," Sunoo said, smiling softly as he pulled away. "You look terrible, angel. What happened?"

"You shouldn't run in the rain, hyung," Niki said, his voice slightly scratchy. "You could get sick, like me…"

"Never mind me, what happened to you?" Sunoo asked, putting a hand on Niki's cheek. "Oh my God… I'm going with to the hospital. I need to know what's wrong with you."

"No, don't worry," Niki said. "We'll drop you off at home when they take me to the h—"

"You idiot, obviously I'm going with," Sunoo said quickly, pushing Niki's hair behind his ear. "I want to make sure you're okay. You're so pretty, but I know you're not feeling well, so I feel odd looking at you with such admiration."

Niki smiled, looking down shyly. "Stop that. But first, let me give you another t-shirt and jacket to wear. You should dry your hair, too."

Sunoo was quiet before standing on his tippy-toes and kissing Niki's nose. "We shouldn't take too long."

The universe definitely wouldn't pull them apart.


[ I'm so so sorry for the late update, I was at my mom's house and I was binging anime 💀💔 anyways, I recommend Re:CREATORS (best isekai anime ever), Haikyuu!!, Boku no Hero Academia and Wonder Egg Priority if you enjoy plot more than romance, like my asexual self :D ]


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