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"They're not here?"

Sunghoon nodded, awkwardly fiddling with his chopsticks. "Uhm… yeah. I haven't really seen them since I quit skating competitively. They kinda… stayed in the city, while I came to live here. It's the family home and my parents don't want it, so I'm staying here. They send money every month for expenses, so I'm doing quite well."

"How long has it been since you quit skating, then?" Mrs Sim asked, resting he head on her folded hands supported by her elbows.

"I was fifteen, almost sixteen," Sunghoon replied, "so it was early last year. They called me crazy for wanting to live alone, but if I didn't, I wouldn't have met Jake here."

"Oh, how sweet," Mrs Sim cooed. "Jake wanted to stay in Australia when he was fourteen, but we dragged him along. Then he wanted to stay in Seoul with his aunt, but we pulled him with us here as well. If he hadn't come, he wouldn't have met you either."

"Thinking of the soulmate thing, they were destined to meet regardless," Mr Sim smiled. "And what about you, son? How do you feel about all of this?"

Jake looked at Sunghoon, laughing slightly as he quickly looked away shyly. "Uhm… we literally met yesterday, but for some reason, it feels like we've known each other for years. Like we've gone through harships and friendships throughout many years already. But… it hasn't even been 24 hours. So this is what it's like to have a soulmate, huh? It just feels… right."

Mrs Sim and her husband looked at one another fondly, as they had experienced that feeling together once before — when they met for the first time at the young ages of 17 and 19. Sometimes the soulmate string pulls at a young age, sometimes it happens late in life. Hyuna had yet to meet her soulmate, which proved how versatile the soulmate thing was.

"I know you two will be happy forever," Mr Sim smiled, reaching for his wife's hand. "Once you're pulled together and it feels that way, you'll always be together, I just know it."

"Even so," Sunghoon began, "Jake and I agreed to wait until we know each other well enough before we make anything… official or whatever. And I'm fine with that. I'd like to know Jake inside and out, discovering how perfect he really is."

Jake looked down, his cheeks burning bright red. Sunghoon, as far as he could tell, was not a bad person. He still had secrets, still had an unknown past and a rather iffy present story — but Jake was willing to wait until Sunghoon grew more comfortable around him.

"Well, Sunghoon, you're always welcome here in our home," Mrs Sim smiled, turning to the raven-haired boy. "Provided that you never hurt Jake, and he never hurts you, we hope you're happy. You have our blessing as his parents, Park Sunghoon."

Sunghoon smiled brightly, nodding energetically. "T-thank you, I won't let you down."

"Thanks for lunch, honey — we need to get back to tidying up now," Mr Sim said, putting his chopsticks down. "Hyunseong should be back soon, so you three can get along with setting your rooms."

"Oh, let me show you my room," Jake said excitedly. "We can eat more later, don't stuff yourself now. Come." Jake held his hand out to the black-haired boy beside him and Sunghoon quickly wiped his mouth before taking Jake's gentle hold and walking with him up the stairs.

Mrs Sim couldn't help but giggle. "Young love."

Jake scurried up the stairs, stopping for a moment to take his sweater off and drop it to the ground. "Sorry, I was getting warm. Come." Jake took his hand again and guided him down the long corridor. "In my opinion, my view is the best view in this house. It's the smallest bedroom, but it's really cool. I don't see the river, but I get—"

"The garden."

Sunghoon's eyes widened as the cloud parted in the sky, allowing for a short moment of sunlight to peek through in a heavenly light. It illuminated the greenery and gentle earth tones of Jake's bedroom, bringing the nature of his environment to life. Small purple flowers were strewn across his desk, with some paint tubes, both acrylic and oil, and numerous magazines and books piled up to one side as resources, Sunghoon guessed.

"This view is beautiful," Sunghoon muttered, walking forward in wild wonder. "Oh, Jake, it's…" He smiled, turning to Jake. "It's as beautiful as you."

Jake smiled as well, his heart beating with excitement. "I'm glad you like it. It's a little messy, but it's because I got bored and started painting around midnight. I couldn't sleep because… I-I couldn't stop thinking about you. I wanted to be with you, but all I could do was… yeah…"

"I couldn't stop thinking about you either," Sunghoon said quickly. "This feeling is weird and unfamiliar, yet so familiar as well."

The two looked at one another in some sort of silence that was difficult to explain for the both of them. It was an expectant silence, as if they ever so desperately wanted something to happen. But they had no idea what to do — both were in love for the first time.

"Are you two about to kiss? Because that'll be weird."

Jake pulled away from Sunghoon quickly, looking away in mild embarrassment. At the door stood Hyuna, her hair strewn over one shoulder. Jake's discarded sweater was across her arm as well. Sunghoon stood up straight, quickly bowing to show respect. "A-ah, h-hello, I'm Park Sunghoon."

Hyuna smiled, bowing as well. "Hello. I'm, uhm, Jake's sister — Jane, or Hyuna, but call me Hyunseong around my parents. I'm his sister, but also his brother."

Sunghoon finally understood what Jake meant.

"Noona is still transitioning, but you'll know her as my sister," Jake smiled, looking at Sunghoon again. "Noona, this is my soulmate. Isn't he handsome?"

"Very," Hyuna agreed, a wide smile on her lips. Sunghoon smiled shyly, bowing in thanks. "My hair got messed up by the wind, so can you help me again, Jakey?"

"Sure," Jake nodded, pulling the seat from his work area. And just like that, the seemingly heavenly glow vanished as the clouds took their place in the sky again. Sunghoon knew he'd get the opportunity again, but he still had no idea what to do with the opportunity given to him.

Maybe he should kiss Jake next time.

[ Jake's room view btw ]

[ Jake's room view btw ]

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