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Jake and Sunghoon had both changed into their pyjamas by the time it was 10pm, having both taken warm showers. The winter season slowly approached, and they had to eventually take more measures to stay warmer. Jake scurried down the stairs with a blanket in hand, smiling when he saw Sunghoon putting on some paraffin lamps instead of the annoying electrical lights.

"I like this mood," Jake commented, putting his body on the couch. Sunghoon nodded, walking over to him and sitting down as well. "This feels way better than our home, for some reason."

"Open the blanket up," Sunghoon said, helping Jake spread the blanket on them. Jake snuggled against Sunghoon, but the older reached to the table beside the couch, bringing forward a book — a traveler's journal, to be specific. The pages were old and frayed, indicating quite a bit of age. "This is the diary of a woman that used to live here with her soulmate. I used Google Translate as best as I could, but I just couldn't make sense of it. But you're English, so I'm hoping I'll understand better if you read it to me."

"Oh," Jake hummed, taking the journal, "I'll see if I can do it. Should I be careful?"

"Generally, yes — it's quite old."

Jake gingerly opened the book, staring down at the first page. "The love of… wait, I can't read this… Miranda Franks… and Karla Franks. Wait… these are two women."

Sunghoon widened his eyes. "Ah, really?! Wow, I didn't know that. Wait, does that mean—"

"The two people that filled this home with their love and warmth were two women," Jake finished. He looked at the bottom of the page. "Finished September 1847. Wow. LGBT was prominent back then too…"

"Wah, I'm actually more excited now," Sunghoon said excitedly. "Translate as you go along, please." He put his head on Jake's shoulder and the other turned the page, opening to the first date.

"November 3, 1832. Today I met my love Karla by the seashore. We don't know if it meant, yet the strong feeling could not be ignored. Tugged closer, I was, feeling an overwhelming warmth from her smile. What a beautiful girl. I'm merely 19 years, and my Karla 17. My heart, once cold, was now warm. Oh, what is this sense of love? Between two women? I cannot ignore it."

Sunghoon looked at him with a smile. "Your accent is really nice to listen to. So what is she saying?"

"Miranda is speaking, and apparently she's of ice," Jake explained. "She had met Karla on 3 November — close to the time we met, huh? Anyways, she's confused about her feelings, wondering if two girls could really love one another. But she feels that warmth."

"Just like I do with you," Sunghoon smiled, putting his head down again. "Continue reading, my love."

Jake turned the page and cleared his throat. "November 5, 1832. My sweet Karla visited my home today. Mother and Father met her summer smile, and it warmed their hearts of winter. However, it does not seem that Father wants Karla and I together. He can see that we are in love. I hope he does not hurt her in any way. It'll be Karla's birthday soon, and I hope to get an admirable gift to represent my love."

"I heard 'mother and father'," Sunghoon piped up. "What is she saying?"

"Karla came to visit," Jake began, "and her parents enjoyed Karla's presence, but her father worries her. Miranda is wondering if her father might try to stop them from loving, or might hurt Karla."

"Ah, homophobes," Sunghoon hummed with a nod. "They're everywhere, aren't they?"

"Unfortunately," Jake nodded with a heavy sigh. He shook his head before turning the page. "Let's continue, huh? November 9, 1832. My love Karla and I shared our first kiss, amongst other forms of love, on this day. Oh, what a heavenly feeling it was. The simple touch of our lips together was a feeling like no other. Her tight embrace, soft whispers of love and her body heat was irresistible. Her breathless gasps— okay, I'm going to stop there, this is a bit descriptive."

"Wait, what does it say?" Sunghoon asked, raising his head. Jake looked at him, his cheeks tinting pink as he shook his head. "Ah, unfair! I asked you to translate it! So what if it's descriptive? Tell me what it says."

Jake was quiet for a bit. "On this day, they shared their first act of love. She's describing the feelings that they experienced as they… you know…"

"Made love." Sunghoon smiled a bit, a small laugh escaping his lips. "Come on, Jake. You can say it. You're eighteen, it shouldn't be something foreign to say."

"It's weird to openly speak about someone else's experience," Jake muttered, slowly closing the book. "I wonder if they experienced that love in this home. I wonder if their shared love made the home a little bit warmer."

"Who knows," Sunghoon shrugged. He looked at Jake, a small smile on his lips. "Until we decide we're on that level of trust and love, I don't think we'll know."

"And what is that level, if I may ask?"

Sunghoon lifted a hand to Jake's chin, drawing him closer slightly. "The level where I can kiss more than your lips."

Jake let out a little panicked giggle before moving away. "Don't say stuff like that. Don't, it's embarrassing."

Sunghoon put his hand to the back of Jake's head, gently asking his hand through his hair. "By the way, your little jealousy was so cute today. I didn't think you could be so cute~"

"I'm not cute!" Jake exclaimed, getting off the couch with a laugh. "Yah. I'm older than you. I'm not cute."

"Who cares if you're older? It's by less than a month." Sunghoon tugged Jake forward, pulling him into his arms tightly. They fell into a mess of limbs before Jake moved so that they could be more comfortable. "You're so beautiful, Jake. Hopefully, we'll be able to stay like this forever."

Jake wanted to stay with him forever as well.

a song of ice and fire // jakehoonWhere stories live. Discover now