"Amy?!" Andrea shook her sisters lifeless body, "Amy wake up!!!" The rest of the group stared at the saddening sight

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"Amy?!" Andrea shook her sisters lifeless body, "Amy wake up!!!"
The rest of the group stared at the saddening sight.

"Do you think she'll do it?" Daryl asked Rick,
"Do what?"
"Shoot her sister- it has to be done. Otherwise she will turn."
"I don't know," Rick sighed, "Go give her a gun and tell her it's what she needs to do."

Daryl took the pistol from his pocket and slowly made his way over to Andrea,
"You know what you gotta do." he said, handing her the gun to which she nodded,
"I know."

Seconds later a gunshot rang through the hills- marking the death of Amy.

Three days after Amy's death
"You don't get to tell me what I can and can't do with my life!" Andrea shouted at Dale, "My sister was the last thing I had left- I don't want to live without her."
Dale took the knife and gun from Andreas hands aggressively,
"What about me? What about me!" Dale said clearly hurt,
"Dale I love you, your a great friend and you've been there for me but you don't understand- I am not capable of surviving without my sister."
Dale rolled his eyes,
"Bullshit," he spat, "Andrea what if I can't live without you."
Andrea broke eye contact casting her eyes downward,
"Promise me you won't do it," Dale said, throwing the weapons into the river, "Promise me you won't kill yourself."

Andrea didn't answer but she nodded.

Nobody's point of view/back at the prison
"What Dale did was wrong," Carol said, "But I'm happy that you are still here with us."
"Me too," Andrea smiled.

Islas point of view
Me and Katelyn decided to go on walker watch for the day. We grabbed our poles and headed to the front gate first.

There weren't too many walkers, only about twenty.
But for the whole time Katelyn didn't look okay and I wanted to find out what was on her mind,
"Tell me why you won't stop frowning," I told her, putting down my pole.
"It's nothing," she sighed,
"I know it isn't nothing- and actually I think I have a small idea what it is. Is it Pedro and Tom?"
Katelyn nodded and put down her pole too,
"Me and Tom are fine again but they hate eachother- and that makes me sad."
I tried to think of what advice to give her but nothing was really coming to mind immediately.

"Maybe you have to mention it then," I told her, "You know, like clear the air."
"I don't want to make anything worse though or make Tom think something is going on again."
I turned around to see Tom fixing his bike with Daryl,
"Maybe it's just Tom you need to clear the air with then, I mean it's not like it's Pedro who seems to have a problem."
"Your right," Katelyn said, "Pedro seems to be happy with the way things are going it's just Tom."
"So go on then, I'll finish the last walkers off." I smiled,
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah course."

I watched as Katelyn slowly made her way over to where Daryl and Tom were then I gave her privacy and looked away.

"Shit," I said, turning to face the fence again and seeing a zombie with a helmet on. I had never come across this problem before, how would I stab it through the head?

I crouched down trying to think of a way I could get the pole through the fence and up into its skull.
I thought about maybe going up through the chin but that seemed risky.

Just then the walker fell to the floor in front of me without me doing anything.

And behind the walker revealed a man and a women.

"Thought you might need help with that one," the woman seemed kind and genuine as the words left her lips with a smile,
"I'm Tyrese," the man said, "And this is my sister Sasha."

I stepped back a bit cautiously, they looked like they had been out for a while. They were extremely dirty and looked very out of energy.

"I-I think I'll get Rick." I said, "Wait here."

I made my way over to cell block one and found Rick with Andy making lunch,
"Guys there are people at the gates, I think they wanna get in. They look hungry."

Rick turned around and took out his gun,
"Okay I'll go and let them in- we will interview them and see if they are the sort of people we want in our

Rick brushed past me and walked out of the door, me and Andy followed.
"Do you think he'll let them stay?" Andy whispered,
"I don't know, they looked like they could be really useful here. And they definitely have survival skills."
Once we reached the front field and the gate, Rick leant up against the fence.

"How many walkers have you killed?" Rick asked the two siblings,
"What?" Sasha answered,
"How many," Rick repeated,
"Well... I don't know we've been out for a long time we've lost count- hundreds?" Tyrese answered,
"How many humans have you killed?" Rick answered eyeing their expressions closely,
"None- Jesus," Sasha laughed, "Do we really look that dodgy."

"You never know who you can trust anymore," Andy said.

SOS/Book 2/The PrisonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant