trucy beamed as she agreed

'I've always thought that, too!'

'And my heart is full of science! That's why I bought this kit through mail order. And I'm going to test it here before the forensics team arrives!'

"Are you sure that's OK...?"

he thought to himself

'I won't lie, I'm not fond of the man. Those glimmerous types always rub me the wrong way'

she mumbled like a grouch

'"Glamorous"... right'

apollo was gonna be honest, ..he wasn't exactly sure on how he felt about klavier yet, ema on the other hand, did

'A prosecutor should be cool of wit and furrowed of brow. Less "glimmerous" and more "simmerous"... you know?'

she said, apollo shook his head in confusion

'...No, actually, I don't'

he sighed as he just moved on from this topic and asked 

'...Do you mind me asking exactly what it is you've been doing... ...squatting down on the ground like that?'

she eyes suddenly started to spark

'Ooh! You want to know? Do you? Well, I splurged on a new toy!'

"You splurged... You mean, it wasn't police issue?"

'What is it? I see a roller... and glue?'

trucy said, examining it closer, ema adjusted the classes on her head

'This is a footprint analysis kit!'


'It was raining on the night of the murder, which means that footprints were left!'

'Oh, does that have anything to do with those blue tarps?'

trucy asked, ema nodded

'Right. The ground was muddy, so I had to protect it as it was that night. Ever wanted to know exactly where someone was standing? Like your panty-snatching student witness, for instance?'

'Ah ha! So with that kit...!'


apollo looked at the two with confusion, not understanding that much


'Want to try this stuff out?'

she offered, apollo looked up at her a little unsure

'Huh? Are you sure? I mean, we're sort of on opposing teams and all...'

ema scoffed as she waved her hand

'Oh, pshaw! You're friends! And... to tell the truth, I'm not so good at doing this. Guess I'm a little clumsy. I could use your help'

she admitted, trucy got excited at the idea of trying something new

'Ooh! I'm good at stuff like this! I used to make magic bunnies out of paper mache!'

"Footprint analysis, huh? Well, should I give it a go?"

apollo then remembered what was in his bag, ...the footprint, though he was a little nervous to know who the prints belonged to, he nodded

'OK... I'll give it a go!'

ema grinned at him with satisfaction

'That's the spirit! Right, allow me to explain! Ahem, one moment...'

'She's reading the instructions for her kit...'

trucy said as he kept her eyes on the detective, apollo was now starting to have doubts

"Why does this not fill me with confidence?"

ema then cleared her voice as she started to explain

'First, we have to pick the footprint, or in this case, shoe print we want to analyze! I've taken the liberty of marking all the shoe prints in the park. Well, which shoe print should we start with...? If we're going to verify the defendant's account, here's the place to start! Shoe prints, prepare to be examined!'

'Ooh! This is so exciting!'

trucy said, bounching a little up and down in her spot

'Right, here goes! First... "Pour the plaster into the print until it's full." ...You try it'

apollo was now extremely confused and nervous

'How am I supposed to do that!?;

'Just pour the plaster. Like this!'

she demonstrated her them, apollo breathed in a little to calm down her nerves

"Hmm, that doesn't look too hard..."

'If you run out of plaster in your beaker before you're done, you have to start over!'

apollo grimaced at that, but tried to be optimistic, he carefully started to pour, until he finally filled up the whole mold, ema grinned with satisfaction again

'Not bad. You're handier with that than you look'

"What's that supposed to mean?"

apollo thought to himself bitterly, but didn't press her on it

'On to the next step! Um... "Dry the plaster until it turns white." Right! Just touch to direct the dryer! ...There, give it a shot!'

apollo took the drier and started to work

'Looks like it's hardened nicely. Let's take a look! Hmm... Yes, that's a good one. Next, the ink! Ready for the next step? Use the roller to ink just the shoe print part. Hold on to that roller tight now, and roll it up and down. Keep going till you get enough ink on there for a good print!'

apollo nodded as he did as told, rolling the ink into it until he covered the whole bottom

'Right, now the moment you've all been waiting for! Let's take our print! Ready? Here goes! Let's see if we get a match'

apollo tried out, he stamped it into a sheet of paper and started to compare, ...he had a bad feeling about this, ..the first print he tried was wocky's, ...after a few scanning moments, turned out to be his show 

'So the shoe prints belong to Wocky Kitaki after all...'

he said a little grimly, that just made it tougher to defend him in court, ema nodded 

'He was in the park on the night of the crime!'

'Wow! I can almost see the science at work!'

trucy said in awe, very fascinated by all of this

'Don't you love it!? Ahhh! Nothing feels better'

ema said in a dreamily like voice, apollo on the other hand, didn't really see the big hype around it, maybe it was just a detective thing

"She's definitely waaaay more into this than I am..."

'Just let me know if you want to do some more. I'll be here, solving the case... with science!'

she said, adjusting the pink glasses on-top of her head

"Well, that certainly brightened her mood"

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