Chapter 18 (rewrite)

Start from the beginning

We quickly made our way to the tower.

"There you are Kabuto took you long enough." We heard someone say who I guessed was Kabuto's team mates.

"Sorry about that I got a little sidetracked." Kabuto chuckled.

"We are really glad you did, it was all thanks to you that we were able to get both our scrolls thank you so much." I thanked bowing.

"Anytime." Kabuto smiled as he left.

"Huh?" I said opening the door. "There's no one else here what happened."

Than Sasuke pointed the riddle on the wall that Sakura read.

After reading it and discussing we decided the right answer was to open the scrolls.

When we opened the scroll we quickly threw the scrolls when we realized it was a summoning scroll. Than appeared iruka-sensei.

I slightly whimpered at the sight of this. Iruka Sensei wasn't exactly very fond of me and he always made sure I knew. I began to slightly step behind Sasuke and Sakura not making eye contact with him.

"I don't understand what's going on." Sakura asked

"At the second exam we chunin are given the job to welcome the testers and it was just my luck that I got  to be the messenger for you guys." Iruka Sensei explained.

"Messenger?" Sasuke asked.

"Congratulations you all pass the second exam. I would love to treat you all to ramen but...."  iruka-sensei started giving me a quick glare but before he could finish Sakura than asked about the writing on the wall."

Iruka-Sensei than explained it.

Too lazy to write out the whole thing

After a while later we all gathered together in rows of our teams with all of our sensei's in-front of us also with the 3rd Hokage. I smiled brightly while wagging my tail and I looked over and with a sigh of relief glad to see that Garra also passed.

"For the third exam....." the 3rd started. When suddenly a Chunin appeared. "3rd hokage. Before you do please allow me, Gakiyo the proctor of the 3rd exam to say something to them."

The hokage nodded his head and aloud him to speak.

"Before the third exam you will have to participate in preliminary round."

Everyone gasped and Sakura asked out loud why we needed to do it.

"The thing is we never expected so many people to pass so we are going to have to shorten the number of u guys." He explained. "We are starting immediately so if you think you can't handle it leave. The winner will be decided by one on one combat.

Suddenly I heard Sasuke groan in pain as he flinched and gripped onto his shoulder.

" have got to quit." I heard Sakura whimper.

Me and Sasuke both gasped at this. Quit? Why? What was wrong with Sasuke.

"You've been like this ever since you tangled up with orchimaru ." Sakura started "and now it's getting worse." Now with worry in her eyes.

I then heard her whisper something about a mark. I was really confused on what was going on. "Mark? Sasuke are you ok what is Sakura talking about?" I mumbled still loud enough for them to hear.

Sasuke gave me a quick glare .Could it be those markings on him when he broke those kid's arms.

"Please... Sasuke please quit now... I'm scared about what might happen." Sakura said looking like she was about to tear up.

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