"Well, you don't have much to live for...sorry, Derek has me." Addison pointed out a bit rudely. "I'm his wife, he should communicate with his wife, and love her more."

"Hey-" I put both of my hands on her shoulders. "Don't be like that. Derek loves you with all his heart, okay...you're his wife, You are Addison Adrianne Forbes Montgomery-Shepherd okay. Now get it together." I ordered and after a small confirmation nod from her, I left for my surgery.

As I scrubbed out of my surgery I got a page from Meredith, and with a second glance at my pager, I left to the pit.

When I got there Derek was there too. Meredith explained the problem, which was that a woman had a fork in the back of her neck.

"We were at a hotel having lunch, uh-...we had some mimosa-" the husband of the woman was interrupted by the woman.

"Can we just skip that part-...can we pull this out and just go, I'm fine, really.." the woman said and pointed at the fork.

"Sintia was giving me some special attention, under the table." explained the husband. My eyes widened a bit but I stayed as I was, examing the fork.

"Oh dear lord." sighed Sintia.

"Oh okay," Derek called out loud and shared a look with Meredith. My eyes furrowed looking at the both of them.

"They're doctors, sweetie, they've seen it all." the husband calmed his embarrassed wife down.

"Yes, we have."

"Absolutely." I watched as Derek smiled at Meredith, she did the same. I decided to speak up.

"Is this a friend's thing or are you two having déjà vu?" I asked a little louder than I attended to.

"Malia." Derek hissed at me. I only chuckled and saw that so did the married couple.

"-but something happened down there, it was like a shock went through my body." explained the wife.

"And she glitched."

"Glitched?" I asked again.

"My jaw, it just shut." Sintia tried to do her best to explain what had happened to her in the hotel under the table.

"A-and I panicked, so I grabbed a fork off the table."

"It doesn't hurt that much." comforted Sintia. "We just didn't want to pull it out, because it's in there pretty deep."

"No, you did the right thing, pulling out could do more damage," assured Meredith. I moved away.

"We should do an X-ray, Derek, you know, just in case there's any nerve damage." I looked at Derek who nodded.

"What about your injury, did you get it checked," asked Derek referring to the ice bag over the husband's personal space.

"Oh, doctors, I'm fine, it's just a bruise." said the husband.

"Well okay. I, with the help of Dr. Grey here, will find out what's the cause of the glitching, do you have any history of seizures?" asked Derek while nodding.

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