"No! I would never. I apologize if I gave you that idea." I said but before I could explain better the man who came in after the boy grabbed me by my collar and held me up forcefully.

"How dare you threaten the honarable hokage's grandson. You demon!" He yelled straight into my face. I flattened my ears but stayed silent as he continued to yell and He just threw me to the ground.

"Don't hurt him yet. He still has a picture he needs to retake." The hokage said not actually caring.

I took this as my que to leave. I got up and bowed to them and left.

Konoharmu POV

"Grandfather?" I asked looking up at him. "Who is he?"

"That was the 9-tailed demon's offspring. He is the village's weapon." Grandfather said sternly.

"Weapon?" I said looking more confused not really understanding.

"Yes if you become hokage you will use him to protect the village but until then we must keep him contained." He explained.

That's when I decided I was going to see just how strong he is. Without anyone noticing I left the room to go track him down.

Naruto POV

I sat down on a bench brushing my tails with my hands to make my tails neater after the man had ruffled it up when he threw me.

Suddenly I smelled the third hokage's scent. No it wasn't him it was his grandson. I turned my head to see him retreat back around the corner thinking I didn't see him.

"I can smell you from a mile away I know your there honorable grandson." I sighed . He then popped up around the corner again snickering.

"So you have a good nose I see!" He chuckled as he pointed his finger in my face.

I just nodded at him and went back to cleaning my tails. I guess he didn't like that because he then spurted out "don't ignore me! I challenge you!"

"I'm sorry but I'm not aloud to fight you honorable grandson." I refused not even looking at him.

Once I finished fixing my tails I got up and started to walk away. He followed close behind and I didn't know why.

"Umm if the villagers see your with me I'll get in trouble Honorable grandson." I Told him.

He looked confused and asked "huh? How come?"

I just sighed and explained to him that humans don't like me bc I'm not like them. "And my papa Dosent like humans especially your grandfather so if he sees me hanging out with his grandson I don't know how he will react." I finished.

"Hey! Isn't your dad supposed to serve my grandfather!" He yelled after I spoke.

"Yeah but that Dosent mean he wants to let alone enjoys it" I explained.

We were now entering the Main Part in the village and I could already hear the villagers. I just kept my head down as the boy rambled on about how he is going to be the best hokage.

" and stop with the Honorable grandson crap my name is konoharmu!" He stated as he walked beside me. I just nodded and kept walking.

"Well... come on say it." He urged.

I looked at him confused slightly lifting my head.

"Same my name come on!" He said grinning.

"Umm sure... k-konoharmu." I stuttered. He went back to rambling on and on about training when we finally reached the path that led to my house.

The Kitsune Child (originally named Kurama's Child)Where stories live. Discover now