Meanwhile, back at taskforce everyone has come back from dinner break to do a few more hours of work before getting some sleep.

"Hey L we're ba-" Matsuda began, but stopped upon seeing L's desk was unoccupied by the detective.

"Where'd he go?" Light asked.

"Dunno probably to eat or shower or something" Misa added.

At first they just brushed it off as him being upstairs or something, but after a while when he didn't come back and wasn't anywhere on the cameras, they began to wonder. Eventually, they decided to ask Watari surely he knew. He was like L's dad anyway. But when even he didn't know where L went, the confusion sunk deeper. Where would he be? It wasn't like L to not be working, he never left the damn building. At first Watari was a bit worried, but upon remembering what the date was, he eased up a bit. Even though he was unaware of L's secret stan Twitter and massive merch collection, he did know that he liked you. And suspected he may be a bit of a ranging fan behind closed doors.

He just hoped he wasn't getting drunk at that concert.

With a bottle of cider in his hand given to him by the cool guy next to him, L was indeed a bit drunk. He initially said one sip and that's it, but the sweetness of the berry flavour and the party atmosphere around him... yeah it turned into more than one sip.

L has truly turned into a whole new person at this concert. And by now the famous song had come on, and this was the moment he was waiting for. He took a breath, chugged the last of the bottle and tossed it over the mosh pit bar into the box of empty bottles security had. His drunken confidence was the last piece of the puzzle to getting on that stage. And as you approached the front of the stage and teasingly ran your hand along the fingertips of reaching fans as you sung, L devised a plan.

Right as you were about the pass him, he lunged over the bar slightly and grabbed your hand, catching your attention. You gave him an amused look. The instrumental break of the song started, giving you a chance to talk.

"I like this guys enthusiasm" you said into the mic.

The cameras projected onto the screens behind you zoomed in on both you and L tightly gripping your hand. The crowd screamed, and true to his word the guy next to L screamed for him. A loud YES KING into his ear.

You pulled L over the bar and had a security guard hold his spot. L's mind raced, his heart beating out of his chest as you pulled him onto stage.

"First off how drunk are you?" You asked into the mic, then pointing it at him.

"...yes" L replied.

The crowd laughed as did you.

"Look at this guys cat ears what the fuck they're so cool, what's your name catboy?"

He almost said L, but luckily even when drunk he caught himself.

"Ryuzaki" he replied.

"Well ryuzaki that bass drop is coming up, you drunk enough to dance without embarrassment?"

He grabbed the mic and pulled it toward him.

"I've waited like 10 years for this even if I was sober I'd be going FERAL" he said.

You laughed, taking the mic back off him.

"I like you catboy, alright all you in the seating section get on your feet! Mosh you know what to do! I wanna see you all jump like you're trying to double bounce on a fuckin trampoline let's go, 1, 2, 3!"

L felt like his soul left his body when that bass dropped, heading you sing right next to him, hand in yours jumping around and screaming the lyrics along with you. It was the best two minutes of his life, forgetting about kira and drunkenly dancing around with you on stage in front of a whole packed out arena. He felt absolutely euphoric, and even though he was drunk he knew he'd remember everything that happened when he was hungover tomorrow morning.

L x Reader oneshots SERIES 3 (1/3)Where stories live. Discover now