Chapter Thirty Six

Start from the beginning

"Vamp shown its face in Indiana", watching the case file slammed in front of me, I lift my gaze to see Bobby nod insinuatingly towards the case "If you're just going to keep moping around over Sam then I'm going to give you a case to work."

"You know normally parents bring their children something to eat", gingerly lifting the manila file with a ballpoint pen, I mutter "Not something to be eaten by." Letting Bobby slap my boots off his desk on his way around, I also take the courtesy of mentioning "The roads are slicked with ice and rain between here and Indiana. I'll have to park up in five hours to wait out the worst of it."

Sighing in his chair behind his desk, Bobby accuses "Sounds like a you problem Princess."

Pursing my lips I shove myself up from the stiff wooden chair, tugging my red corduroy jacket from the backrest. What're a few days bunkered down in a dreary motel? If I figure out the vamp I can just go in and hack its head off. No questions or hunting. Just one quick kill before I'm back at Bobby's drinking Cup-Of-Soup from my favorite green mug.

My phone going off in the kitchen, I drag my feet answering Dean's call "If you're headed to Indiana do you boys mind whacking a vamp? Bobby wants to send me on the hunt and I really don't-"

"Sam's juicing on Demon blood."

My lips parting, I clutch the phone a little tighter "You wanna give that to me one more time?"

"Long story short we got into a bind and I watched my damn brother sink his teeth into a damn Demon's throat", Dean mutters no louder than a whisper leading me to believe Sam's nearby "This is how he got strong enough to take on Alistair- to kill him. It wasn't practice. It was Demon blood and he's hooked like a damn junkie." After a pause, Dean's voice stressfully breaks when he rushes "El I don't know what to do- I don't-" Dean doesn't say anything else. The silence stretches through the line. I can practically hear Dean trying to collect his thoughts.

Quietly as the blood in my veins begins to aggressively pulsate, I tell Dean "I'll get Bobby to call Sam. Tell him we have Apocalypse drama and that you both need to high tail it here."

"You have a plan?"

"I had one weeks ago when I became hellbent on sending Ruby's ass back to the Pit", I furiously mutter, storming back through the house and discarding my jacket onto the sofa with a loud whack "I had Bobby empty out the panic cellar below. We can put him in there and..." Unsurely, I mutter "We'll deal with it. Together."

There's a long silence that envelops us before Dean hums, "I love you."

"I love you too." Wishing him to hurry, I gesture with my phone to Bobby "You gotta call Sam and lie about the Apocalypse to get him here."

With a hesitant glance towards the basement stairs down the hallway, Bobby seems to click "It's happening?"

Sharply nodding, I agree "It's happening."


"So it's finally happening?" Sam wanders with us down to the basement, the four of us remaining cautiously nearby "The Apocalypse?"

"A lot of chatter is stirring", I lie brazenly through my teeth, hauling open the panic room door, nodding for Sam to go first "I wanna show you guys something I found."

Oblivious to what the three of us have agreed upon, Sam wanders past into the iron-plated bunker "So what is our Demon problem?"

"You are" Bobby cuts through the bullshit once he's far enough in the room.

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