I love you

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Suddenly, you were in front of Bucciarati, taking the fatal blow for him. This left Belphagor in shock, giving enough time for Giorno to finish him off with Gold Experience Requiem. Belphagor dying forever, before even falling to the ground.

You stood there frozen, somehow still standing with a deep wound in your abdomen. Your stand slowly faded away and you started to fall, until Bucciarati caught you, clutching you for dear life.

All the members surrounding the two of you on the ground. All in complete shock.

"Giorno! GIORNO! PLEASE!" Bucciarati begged, tears welling up in his eyes, with pure agony in his voice.

He wanted you to live. He needed you to live.

Giorno just shook his head sadly.
There was no point.

Bucciarati's heart dropped.

He felt so lifeless. Immense despair looming over him.

He screamed, clutching your cold body in his arms.

He felt a cold hand touch his, he stopped to look at your face. You smiled, breaking his heart into a million pieces.

"Please don't make such a heartbreaking noise" you said weakly, barely audible to hear.

The members all stood watching, crying silently.

You looked at them. "Please don't look so sad either." They wiped their tears, but Narancia couldn't hold it in, he clutched onto Mista.

Bucciarati tightly held your hand. "Y/n. I couldn't protect you" his tears dripped down onto your own cheeks.

You shook your head. "I'm just glad you're alright." You managed a smile, putting your cold hand up to his face to wipe the tears from this eye. He placed his hand ontop of yours.

"I'm sorry, I was never able to return that espresso I spilt on you that day." You whispered.

His laugh was shaky. "Silly. You're worried about that now?"

You gave a small smile, nodding. "Now that I think about it, that day. I'll always remember it as the best day ever; because I met you."

He gave your hand a gentle squeeze. "Please, y/n." He began. "I know I'm being selfish, but I can't live without you." His voice cracked.

You smiled. "I'm sorry."

He took in a shaky breath, "No, I still want to spend more time with you. I want to keep teasing you, arguing with you like regular couples do, making up afterwards. I want to keep showing you the world and all of its beauty. I want to eventually propose to you, to see you walking down the aisle in that beautiful white dress. I want to wake up to your beautiful face and voice every morning. To take care of you when you're sick and to cook for you. I want to have a house of our own. I want there to be a big backyard so our future children can run around freely in. They would look so beautiful, because they'd take after you." The hot tears were streaming down his face, his vision blurred. "I want to raise them together with you, watching them head off on their own someday. I want to spend everyday with you, until we grow old, sitting out on the porch watching the world pass by. I want to experience all of this with you. So please, stay."

He couldn't bare watching you leave this world so soon.

You smiled to him, tears welling up in your own eyes now. "That.... sounds like a wonderful future." You breathed.

He held onto you tightly.

"Bruno," you whispered, clutching onto the back of his jacket.

He looked at your face, the tears flowing from your eyes.

"I love you."

His laugh was bitter. "I know. I love you too, y/n. More than you will ever know." He held onto you tightly, giving you a final hug.

You couldn't feel anything. Your body growing numb as things started to feel hazy.

"Bruno, I- "

"I'll always be with you." You smiled.

Soon, your grip loosened, falling to the ground.

You were gone, laying in Bruno Bucciarati's arms.

He wasn't in your place, but he felt like it. He felt so helpless. So lifeless. He felt guilty too, for he should've been the one in your place.

He wanted to cry out, scream, but he couldn't. He just sat there in silence, clutching your lifeless body, not letting go.

The members all watched in terrible grief. They were devastated from your loss, but they were also sad at the sight before them. For their dear friend, Bucciarati, as they knew he was taking your loss the hardest.

They all stayed that way, until Abbacchio placed a hand on his friend's shoulder, gesturing for them to leave.

Bucciarati picked you up. He sat in the back, keeping you in his arms the entire way home, mourning.

Adventure With You (Bucciarati x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now