Chapter Forty-Two: Time for Each Other

Start from the beginning

"Quint will return if he learns I am back. He's had the job since I came into my title."

"Quint is a strange name. Where's he from?"

"Quint is short for Quintus. He's Egyptian with golden skin, dark hair, and dark brown eyes on a face that reflects the pharaohs of his country. You will understand when you see him. His posture is regal." He leaned in and kissed her shoulder and trailed kisses to her neck.

"We should finish bathing. I believe we should have a nap."

"That, my dear, is an exceptional idea. Though, I'm not sure I have sleep in mind."


Hours later there was a light knock on the door of their bedroom. Because Radley had dozed off, Charlotte donned her robe and answered by opening the space just wide enough to speak to whoever was there.

Vivian looked at Charlotte's hair and then grinned. "You fell asleep before your hair had been combed, didn't you?" She watched Charlotte touch her wild hair and groan. "Is he asleep?" she asked with a whisper. Charlotte nodded. "Lunch is being served. Would you like me to have a servant bring it to you here? I know you two must be exhausted after what you went through."

"I'm awake," Radley growled and then cleared his throat. "We'll be down as quickly as possible."

Charlotte watched him stretch his arms and then begin to rise from bed. She nodded to Vivian. "I will hurry and dress."

"No rush. I'm sorry to have disturbed you." Vivian walked back down the hall towards the stairs as the door closed.

"Did you sleep?" Radley asked as he pulled her against his nakedness.

"Yes. I fell asleep with you." She wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "You should have pretended to sleep longer so we could eat up here and enjoy our time alone."

"A desire to do so does not help my need to discuss what the next few days hold for me. Do you know if Owen plans to take Ruth home first or bring her here?"

"Home. I heard his decision to do so using the excuse to help our mother prepare for our arrival. He threatened her not to tell of our marriage."

"It doesn't matter if she does. Such information cannot change the deed." He kissed her forehead and turned away to begin collecting what he wished to wear. "It will also free our brothers to join me. The more backing I have, the better."

They dressed quickly and she brushed her hair, which made her groan. Instead of dealing with it, she pulled it back and tied it at her nape with a ribbon. When they exited into the hall, a maid curtsied as they passed. As they turned the corner to go downstairs, Charlotte glanced back and saw her enter their room. Vivian had sent the maid knowing it would need cleaning.

They found Ben and his father still in the office. Charlotte hesitated at the door until Ben's attention turned to her. "Where can I find Vivian?"

"She's in the kitchen. My bride enjoys speaking to Nettie, who is teaching her how to cook," he said with a grin. "Personally, I can't see why."

"Mother taught me, and Ruth is learning as well. I would have cooked for us at Maywood, but the food was gone as well. Thankfully, Annie, Lewis's wife, fed us." Without another word she headed towards the kitchen.

Radley took a seat next to his father in a chair facing the desk. Ben sat behind it as if he had just finished looking at some paperwork.

Ben explained, "I added a letter to yours and arranged for a rider to take it to Dalton and return with his answer. I waited for you to come down and decided you would rather I see to this quickly."

The Earl's Young Bride and Their Siblings (completed)Where stories live. Discover now