Chapter 49

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~Just Obey~


"Because I am the one he believed he killed, for the responsibility of his parents death. Now, you'll do your father the favor of letting Mateo know, correct?"

'Carter fucking Stone is alive'


There was not one other sentence that could have came out of this man's mouth, that would've sent this many shivers down my spine.


"Carter Stone?" I asked. I needed confirmation that this was the man that I thought he was. "Joelle Stone?" He mocked me with a laugh.

This man standing right before my eyes, was who sent for Mateo's parent's death. This man standing right before my eyes, was my biological father. And he thought this was a laughing matter.

"Madden." I corrected him and he nodded to my statement. "Well, you're my daughter, so I will stick with Stone." He demanded and I didn't have the energy to debate it further.

"You must have a million que.." I cut him off before he could finish. "How are you alive?" Was my first question and he smiled to the floor.

"Mateo didn't wait long enough." He simply said. I shook my head in confusion. "Long enough? Long enough for what?" I questioned him.

Carter sat down by my window and sighed annoyed. "Mateo shot me in the chest, but not in the heart... he saw me pass out and my blood spreading around me" I looked away thinking about how he survived. "He just assumed I was dead without even checking if I was really dead, and as soon as he left with his siblings.. my wife rushed me to the hospital and they saved me." He quickly explained.

'Mateo didn't wait long enough'

"So, you have just been faking your death all this time?" I asked him in an angry tone. I was beyond furious. "The only people who knew I was alive was my doctor and my wife." He confessed and I scoffed.

"What? Are you sad that dad wasn't around for you to grow up?" He teased me but I wasn't laughing.

"The man you allowed to raise me, sexually assaulted and abused me! He raped me too, over a year ago!" I shouted at him with all of this built up anger inside of me. "Mark did what?!" He said angrier than I've seen anyone in a while.

"He's dead. Grayson killed him." I admitted and he looked up at me quickly and confused. "You know, you're other son." I laughed in his face.

"I would have helped your mom raise the both of you guys if I could have..." he said and I scoffed. "Wow, dad of the year goes to you." I sarcastically said.

"You know what though? I'm happy you were never there, and you should have stayed dead!" I shouted, and next thing I knew.. he was standing right in front of me. "I'm done talking about this with you Carter. Either you tell me what you want, or leave my fucking apartment!" I said angrily, and he turned away from me as to calm himself down.

Just ObeyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ